aggressive behaviour

aggressive behaviour
Any action of an animal intended to injure an opponent or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat.

Aggression may be caused by various stimuli. Within its own group, an animal must display aggressive postures to maintain its position within the hierarchy (e.g., the pecking order of chickens). A threat by itself, as in ruffled feathers or teeth revealed in a snarl, is usually sufficient to maintain an already-established social order. Aggression often occurs just before mating season, when males win their choice of females and territories.

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  animal behaviour that involves actual or potential harm to another animal. Biologists commonly distinguish between two types of aggressive behaviour: predatory (predation) or antipredatory aggression, in which animals prey upon or defend themselves from other animals of different species, and intraspecific aggression, in which animals attack members of their own species. Intraspecific aggression is widespread across the animal kingdom, being seen in creatures as diverse as sea anemones, rag worms, wolf spiders, field crickets, lobsters, salmon, tree frogs, lizards, songbirds, rats, and chimpanzees. Given that so many different kinds of animals fight, aggression takes a variety of forms. Sea anemones lash at one another with tentacles armed with stinging cells, rag worms batter each other with the proboscises that they use for digging burrows, lobsters use their large claws for hitting and grasping, tree frogs wrestle, robins peck, red deer use their antlers to push and batter one another, and one chimpanzee, made famous through the work of British behavioral scientist Jane Goodall, intimidated rivals by banging two oilcans together. Usually just two or a few individuals participate in fights, but there are cases in which larger groups of animals are involved. Spectacular examples are the lethal fights that take place between neighbouring ant colonies in the spring and the killing raids by coalitions of male chimpanzees against smaller neighbouring groups.

      This article follows the common practice of biologists by considering only intraspecific attacks under the title aggressive behaviour. The emphasis here is on biological contextthat is, the roots of aggression in competition for food and mates; the influences of the nervous system, hormones, genetics, and environment; and scientific models for analyzing the likely outcome of aggressive interactions.

The nature of animal aggression
      Aggression sometimes occurs when parents defend their young from attack by members of their own species. Female mice, for example, defend their pups against hostile neighbours, while male stickleback fish defend eggs and fry against cannibalistic attack. More frequently, however, animals fight over resources such as food and sheltere.g., vultures fight over access to carcasses, and hermit crabs fight over empty shells. Another important resource over which fighting commonly occurs is potential mates. In this case the biology of gamete production has an influence on aggressive behaviour: because a female's eggs are larger, are fewer in number, and require more energy to produce than a male's sperm, competition among males over females is usually more frequent and intense than competition among females over males. As a result, the most spectacular fights among animals, whether they are crickets, salmon, tree frogs, chaffinches, or stags, occur between males over fertile females.

      Aggression may be focused on a specific area, such as a defended territory from which rivals are vigorously excluded. A notable example is shown by mudskippers, intertidal fish that defend small territories where they browse on microscopic plants. The fish build mud walls around the borders of their territories, and at low tide water is retained within the walls (incidentally permitting the human observer to visualize the mosaic of territories in a colony of these fish). Territorial behaviour is also shown by rag worms and fiddler crabs when they defend their burrows, by male dragonflies (dragonfly) and sticklebacks defending breeding grounds, by male tree frogs, sage grouse, and Uganda kob (Kobus) defending high-quality sites for courting and mating, and by spiders, reef fish, and hyenas when they defend feeding areas.

 A common feature of aggression in most species is that fights tend to start with relatively harmless displays or postures. For example, aggressive interactions between two red deer stags begin with an exchange of deep roars followed by a display ofparallel walking,” in which the stags strut side by side assessing their relative size. The aggression may then escalate to direct attacks during which the stags charge at each other, stabbing and wrestling with their antlers. Most confrontations are resolved early while displaying, but many others continue to the point of intense and dangerous fighting.

      Contrary to previous assumptions, injury and death during animal fights are not uncommon. In species where animals live in established groups, however, overt fighting is often replaced by a set of relationships in which a subordinate individual consistently defers to a dominant (dominance hierarchy) one. wolf packs, for example, are known for their clear hierarchical relationships. When two group members meet, the dominant animal adopts an upright stance, with raised ears and tail, while the subordinate flattens its body to the ground with the ears against the head and the tail lowered, a submissive (submissive behaviour) posture that serves to protect it from attack. In a number of bird species, variations in plumage act asbadges of status,” especially in large winter flocks. The black throat patch or bib of the house sparrow and the dark chest stripe of the great tit (titmouse) are signals of status; dominant individuals have more-conspicuous bibs or stripes than do subordinates and thus have preferential access to food.

Physiological causes of aggression
      The immediate cause or motivation of an attack by one animal on another lies in the attacker's response to certain cues or stimuli. Such cues can be visual (robins will vigorously attack a bunch of red feathers placed in their territory), auditory (robins will also attack a tape recorder playing the song of another robin), tactile (spiders respond to vibrations set up by rivals entering their web), olfactory (the scent of urine from another male mouse elicits vigorous attack from a territorial male), and even electrical (to deter territorial intruders, gymnotid and mormyrid fish use electrical signals generated by modified muscles). Often full attack is elicited by a combination of such cues. And yet aggression is not an inflexible response inevitably triggered by a particular stimulus or by collections of stimuli. Depending on the internal state of the potential attacker, the same opponent may be attacked on one occasion but ignored on another. In particular, an individual's tendency to attack a rival is influenced by the activity of key structures and pathways in the nervous system and by the levels of particular hormones circulating in the blood.

Neuroendocrine influences
      The neuroendocrine mechanisms that generate aggressive responses and modulate the levels of aggression are complex and far from fully understood. They have been best-documented in invertebrates (invertebrate), particularly in lobsters and crayfish, where the neural circuits responsible for the performance of displays during fights have been partially identified. These crustaceans fight readily, and, after a series of interactions between the same individuals, a hierarchical relationship is established whereby the victor consistently takes a dominant posture, with raised legs and forward-directed antennae, while the loser adopts a submissive posture and avoids future fights. The neurohormone serotonin is clearly involved in the control of aggression and dominance, as is octopamine (an invertebrate analog of norepinephrine (epinephrine and norepinephrine), or noradrenaline, which in vertebrates acts in response to stressful situations). Serotonin injections cause lobsters to take up the dominant posture, while octopamine injections induce submissive postures. In addition, when the levels of serotonin in subordinate animals are experimentally increased, the willingness of the animals to fight also increases. At least two pairs of serotonin-containing nerve cells have been identified in the central nervous system (CNS). These have connections with the motor neurons responsible for generating dominant and subordinate postures and with the motor neurons promoting more intense attack and escape. How the system is activated varies depending on the social status of the animal concerned; activation of the serotinergic neurons, and the consequent release of serotonin, is facilitated in dominant animals and suppressed in subordinates, probably as a result of input from higher centres in the CNS.

      The vertebrate nervous system is significantly more complicated than the invertebrate nervous system, and it is much more difficult in vertebrates to associate specific behavioral functions with particular neural networks. However, research suggests that in mammals (mammal), too, the performance of aggressive behavioral patterns, and the modulation of an animal's tendency to fight, are controlled by a hierarchical system of neural structures. Many of these structures are found in the limbic system, that part of the forebrain involved predominantly with emotional behaviour and motivation. The aforementioned neural structures interact with biochemicals produced both within and outside the nervous system. For example, in several vertebrate species, electrical stimulation of the midbrain and hindbrain elicits stereotyped and undirected patterns of aggressive behaviour, whereas stimulation of the hypothalamus and the nearby pre-optic region (both found in the forebrain) elicits well-coordinated attacks on other members of the same species. Lesions in these areas reduce aggression. These and other observations imply that the hypothalamus and the pre-optic area of the forebrain are involved in the generation of coordinated aggressive behaviours that are, in turn, produced in lower brain regions. The activity of this system is modulated by higher centres, including areas of the limbic systemspecifically the septum, which lies above the hypothalamus and has an inhibitory effect on aggression, and the amygdala, found deep in the temporal lobes and having the opposite effect.

      The limbic system is rich in neurons containing serotonin and norepinephrine. Observations suggest that high levels of serotonin are associated with reduced aggressiveness and that high levels of norepinephrine are associated with increased aggressiveness. In a range of vertebrate species, fighting experience has a marked effect on brain biochemistry, especially on the limbic system. For example, in rainbow trout and in lizards, dominant animals show transient activation of the brain serotonin systems, whereas subordinates show longer-term elevation of these systems.

The influence of testosterone
      Many vertebrate brain structures involved in the control of aggression are richly supplied with receptors that bind with hormones produced in the endocrine system, in particular with steroid hormones produced by the gonads. In a wide range of vertebrate species, there is a clear relationship between a male's aggressiveness and his circulating levels of androgens such as testosterone, a hormone produced in the testes. From fish to mammals, aggression levels rise and fall with natural fluctuations in testosterone levels. castration has been found to reduce aggression dramatically, while experimental reinstatement of testosteronefor instance, through injection into the bloodrestores aggression. Circulating testosterone can even influence the structures and signals used during fights. In stags the neck muscles needed for effective roaring enlarge under the influence of rising testosterone levels. In male mice the scent of another male's urine, which contains the breakdown products of testosterone, elicits intense aggressive responses.

      The close link between aggression and testosterone is not surprising, given that males of many species fight over access to fertile females, but the connection is complex. For instance, the more elaborate the social structure of a species, the less drastic are the effects of castration on aggression. In addition, testosterone of nongonadal origin (i.e., produced by the adrenal gland) may be important in aggression outside the breeding season, as in the case of birds such as the song sparrow that maintain nonbreeding territories in the winter. Furthermore, hormones other than testosterone and its derivatives also may be involved in the modulation of aggression. For example, in several species of mammals and birds, the distribution of the neuropeptide hormones arginine vasotocin (AVT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the pre-optic and septal regions of the brain differs between the sexes. Aggression in males is facilitated by implants of AVT in the limbic system and inhibited by implants of AVP. Finally, while a causal link between circulating testosterone levels and aggression has been well established, it is also clear that the link can work in the opposite direction, with participation in a fight having rapid effects on hormone secretion. In particular, many vertebrates that win fights show increased testosterone levels, while losers exhibit not only reduced levels of testosterone but also elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Changes in hormonal levels in turn modulate future aggressiveness. Such multiple and multidirectional links between brain biochemistry, circulating hormone levels, and aggression are a key part of the mechanisms whereby behaviour in conflict situations is adapted to both past experience and current circumstances.

Aggression during growth and development

Hormonal (hormone) effects
      The interaction between hormones and the expression of aggressive behaviour described in the previous section are reversible influences in adult animalsso-called activational effects. Hormones, however, can also influence aggression through long-term organizational effects that occur during development. Pre- and postnatally, at times specific to each species, the developing testis of young male mammals produces a brief surge of steroid hormones that is responsible for the development of male reproductive (reproductive behaviour) structures and mating behaviours. The hormones also have a lasting effect on the development of the brain structures that control aggression in adult animals, making the structures more sensitive to the aggression-facilitating effects of testosterone. The effects of early exposure to gonadal steroids have been described for a variety of vertebrate species. Early exposure to other, nongonadal hormones, such as AVP, has been shown to increase levels of aggression in adult males. Thus, the well-documented gender differences in aggressiveness seen in many species are the result of the lasting effects of exposure to hormones early in development.

      Developmental effects can also generate the marked natural variation in aggression observed in many species among individuals of the same sex. To illustrate, young mice are exposed to different hormonal environments during development depending on their position within the uterus. Because connections exist between the placental circulation systems of neighbouring embryos, male embryos situated between two females experience relatively low androgen levels and remain relatively unaggressive when treated with testosterone as adults. Conversely, female embryos situated between two males experience relatively high androgen levels and become particularly aggressive to males when treated with testosterone as adults.

Environmental (environment) and genetic influences
      The example of differential exposure to hormones in mouse embryos illustrates a point that is true for all behavioral traitsi.e., that aggression develops as a result of interaction between genes and the environment in which the genes are expressed. Genetic factors on the Y chromosome of mice determine whether the embryonic gonad secretes androgens and hence whether aggression-promoting brain regions are sensitized to testosterone. This process, however, is modulated by conditions experienced in the uterus. Individual genetic differences in aggressiveness have been identified in many species. In crickets, sticklebacks, and mice, selective breeding for high or low levels of aggression in males produces a marked and rapid response, indicating that at least some of the original variation in aggressiveness in the parental population is the result of genetic differences. In mice it has been shown that major differences in aggression are the result of variation in a specific region of the Y chromosome identified as thepairing region.” Additional effects of the autosomal chromosomes (i.e., the nonsex chromosomes) have also been identified. The Y chromosome probably exerts its effect on aggression via an influence on early hormone secretion. Use of molecular genetic techniques has further demonstrated the importance of genetic differences in generating variation in aggressive behaviour and has shown how these effects may be mediated. In genetically engineeredknockoutmice, which lack both copies of the gene coding for a particular serotonin receptor, aggression is markedly higher than in nonaltered mice, confirming several other lines of evidence for an aggression-inhibiting effect of serotonin in vertebrates.

      The well-known effects of genetics on aggression notwithstanding, the environment in which a young animal is raised also has profound effects on whether, and how, it fights as an adult. These environmental factors are not always directly related to social experience. For example, mice that are deprived of food during development become particularly aggressive as adults. On the other hand, environmental effects on the development of aggression may depend on social interactions, but in contexts other than fighting; for instance, mouse pups that have been roughly handled by their mothers are particularly aggressive as adults, as are individuals from a range of species that have been reared in social isolation. Finally, and perhaps not surprisingly, direct experience of victory or defeat during fights has a profound effect on subsequent aggressive behaviour in animals as different as crickets and chimpanzees; animals that lose regularly become increasingly less likely to initiate attacks. Such effects form the basis of dominance hierarchies, and they may be the result of short-term neuroendocrine changes, longer-term reward-based processes based on conditioning and learning (animal learning), or both.

      Whatever their nature, environmental effects may interact with the genetic make-up of the animals concerned. For example, gentle early handling by humans reduces aggression in mice that come from nonaggressive strains but not in mice from aggressive strains. More interesting perhaps is that female mice from aggressive strains tend to handle their pups roughly, so that the baby mice not only inherit genes that predispose them to be aggressive but also experience an aggression-promoting environment early in life. So for aggression, as for most other behaviours, how an animal behaves as an adult is not the expression of blind instinct in the adult individual, nor is it simply the result of experiences during development. Instead, it is the result of a continuous and complex interaction between inherited genetic material and the environment (pre- and postnatal) in which the genes are expressed.

Functions and evolution of aggression

Group versus individual selection
      As is stated in the section The nature of animal aggression (aggressive behaviour), in most cases animals fight over food, shelter, and mates or over territories where these can be found. Therefore, in functional terms, it is easy to explain why animals fight: they do so to gain access to valuable resources. A more difficult question to answer is why conflicts are often resolved conventionally, by displays (display behaviour) and threats, rather than by out-and-out fighting. For example, why does a stag, instead of using its antlers in an all-out bid for victory, withdraw from a fight after an exchange of roars, thus leaving its rival in possession of a group of fertile females?

      For a long time the generally accepted answer was that animals refrain from engaging in overt fighting because the high level of injury that this can cause is disadvantageous for the species as a whole. According to this view, conventional fighting evolved because groups whose members behaved in this self-sacrificing way did better than, and gradually replaced, groups in which individuals fought fiercely in their own interest. Thisfor the good of the species,” or group selection, explanation has been rejected by most biologists for two main reasons. The first is that in a group consisting of altruists who fought conventionally, an individual who broke the rules by fighting as fiercely as possible would inevitably win fights, gain resources, and leave many offspringsome of whom would inherit the nonaltruist's disposition toward fighting, thus passing on nonaltruistic traits to more individuals of future generations. In this way natural selection at the level of the individual would be stronger than selective processes at the group level. Except in highly unusual circumstances, therefore, group selection simply does not explain why the majority of aggressive encounters are settled without recourse to overt fighting. The second reason why the theory has been rejected is that conventional fighting can be explained easily once it is recognized that, in addition to bringing benefits to the winner, aggression imposes costs on both opponents.

Cost-benefit analysis
      Current understanding of the functions and evolution of behaviour has been greatly influenced by the economic approach that is central to the discipline of behavioral ecology. In this framework, both the costs and the benefits of particular actions are determined, ultimately in terms of their Darwinian fitness, which is an individual's genetic contribution to the next generation (through production and rearing of offspring) compared with that of other individuals. The cost-benefit analysis is then used to predict how animals should behave during fights in order to maximize their net fitness gains. Thus, the actual behaviour of animals can be compared with the predicted behaviour to see if the positive and negative effects of fighting on fitness have been correctly identified. This is not to suggest that animals make rational calculations about the consequences of their behaviour. Rather, it is assumed that natural selection, acting over thousands of generations, has resulted in the evolution of animals that are able to adjust their behaviour to the circumstances in which fights occur, by mechanisms that may well be unconscious (like the neuroendocrine effects described in the section Neuroendocrine influences (aggressive behaviour)).

      The positive consequences for fitness, gaining preferential access to food and shelter and acquiring mates, are easy to specify if not always easy to measure. The negative consequences (or costs) of fighting are not so evident, but they include expenditure of energy and loss of time that might be devoted to other activities. For example, male sparrows that continue to fight over territories after they have acquired a mate neglect the care of their young, which do poorly as a consequence. And in a diverse array of species, from crabs to crickets to sage grouse, aggressive displays and intense fighting have been shown to increase rates of aerobic and anaerobic respiration and to deplete energy reserves. Additionally, an important cost of fighting is the risk of injury; the fiercer the fighting, the greater the risk. Putting these adverse effects into the cost-benefit equation has helped to explain many puzzling aspects of animal aggression. These include the fact that subordinate animals accept their low status, that animals sometimes reduce the size of their territory or even abandon it altogether, and that, once a fight does get under way, animals do not always compete to the limit of their capability.

      That subordinate animals accept their low status, even though by fighting they may ascend the hierarchy and gain advantages, can be explained in terms of the costs of fighting for the challenger. Subordinate animals are often small or young and are less likely to be able to challenge a dominant animal successfully. Since the fight is likely to be fierce and the risk of injury high, the costs of challenging outweigh the potential benefits of winning. Therefore, the individual fitness of a subordinate animal may be greater if it submits to a rival rather than launching a challenge. If the animals concerned must live in a group in order to survive, as is the case with wolves, then subordinate individuals may bemaking the best of a bad jobby accepting long-term subordinate status. On the other hand, dominant individuals pay a high price for their status. Often challenged by rivals that are closer to themselves in size and strength, they must frequently engage in energetic and potentially dangerous fights, which may shorten their tenure as the dominant group member. For example, dominant red deer stags defending large groups of hinds end the breeding season in very poor condition, and they rarely retain their high status for more than a few years. Younger subordinate males, by keeping out of trouble until they become stronger and the dominant animal weaker, may actually increase their chances of ultimately achieving high status, with its accompanying benefits. Subordinate animals may even use tactics other than fighting to gain resources. For example, subordinate red deer stags sneak mating opportunities with fertile females while dominant males are busy fighting each other. In salmon, subordinate juveniles acquire food by foraging at times when their dominant neighbours are satiated. Badges of status, such as the Harris sparrow's black throat and crown feathers, facilitate the process of establishing and maintaining stable hierarchical relationships because only dominant animals can afford to pay the costs of getting involved in fights. In the case of the sparrows, subordinate males whose stripes have been enlarged experimentally are attacked by larger or stronger birds against whom they cannot adequately defend themselves.

      Territorial animals sometimes reduce the size of their defended area or even abandon it altogether. For example, during the winter, pied wagtails are often seen to switch between defending and sharing their feeding (feeding behaviour) territories along riverbanks. Such flexible behaviour can be explained in terms of the shifting balance between the costs and benefits of fighting over space. In brief, animals will defend territories when the distribution of resources and the density of competitors make it economically advantageous for them to do so, but they will abandon territorial defense when this ceases to be the case. This can be seen most clearly in the context of feeding territories, where the benefits gained from ownership (energy taken in) are in broadly the same currency as the costs of defense (energy expended).

 The simple graphs shown in the figure—> illustrate the costs and benefits of defending territories of different sizes. The model assumes that the energetic costs of fighting increase exponentially with the size of the territory because the defended area of a circular territory increases as the square of its radius. It also assumes that the benefits gained level off at larger territory sizes because there is a maximum rate of feeding beyond which animals cannot utilize more food. (Other models assume different shapes for these two curves, thus altering the predictions.) The net gain (or cost) for each territorial size is measured by the distance between the cost and benefit curves, as shown in the figure. The optimum territory size is the one corresponding to the maximum distance between the cost and benefit curves, indicating maximum net gain. Graph A shows that an increase in the density of available food (from B1 to B2) shifts the optimal territory size (i.e., the size that maximizes net gain) to the left, which means that owners should reduce the size of their territory. Thus, the model predicts that there should be a reduction in territory size in response to increased availability of food within ita prediction shown to be true for species ranging from limpets to trout, hummingbirds, and squirrels. On the other hand, the cost of defending a territory of a given size can change; for example, it may increase as the number of individuals competing for a given patch increases.

 Graph B in the figure—> shows that the size of a territory for which the benefits of ownership outweigh the costs of defense (i.e., there is net gain) becomes smaller as the cost of territorial defense increases from C1 to C2. Eventually a territory of any size ceases to be economically defensible (i.e., when C2 increases to C3). Therefore, the model predicts that territorial defense should be abandoned when a certain level of cost has been exceeded. Such an effect has been described for a variety of animal species, including migrating sunbirds defending patches of nectar-rich flowers and salmonid fishes defending feeding sites in streams.

game theory: the hawk- dove model
 The effect of increasing competitor density on territorial defense shows that the fitness consequences to an individual of behaving in a particular way depend on the presence and activities of other animals of the same species. These relationships are examined by models based on game theory, which have been particularly influential in explaining why many fights are resolved by display and threat rather than all-out attack. A game theory model, such as the famous Hawk-Dove model formulated in 1973 by English biologist John Maynard Smith and American biologist George Price, starts by defining a set of behavioral options or strategies chosen to highlight the question at issue. In the Hawk-Dove case, the objective is to understand the resolution of conflicts by conventional fighting. The model begins by identifying animals as always using displays (the doves) or always launching straight into escalated attacks (the hawks). The next step is to specify a set of assumptions about how fights are resolved. In the Hawk-Dove model, it is assumed that when a hawk fights another hawk, it sustains injury and loses 50 percent of the time but in the remaining 50 percent manages to injure the opponent and emerge victorious. A dove also wins 50 percent of fights against another dove, but only after a lengthy more-or-less mutual exchange of displays. Doves always lose fights against hawks, but they flee before they are injured. Hypotheses about the costs and benefits of using the two strategies are formalized in a payoff matrix such as that shown in the figure—>, which defines the net gain accruing to hawks and doves when paired against each kind of opponent. From these net gains and from the current relative frequencies of hawks and doves in a hypothetical population, the overall fitness of animals adopting each strategy can be calculated. From there the best fitness strategy for the entire population is identified. Thisevolutionary stable strategy” (ESS) constitutes the most adaptive solution under a prescribed set of conditions; i.e., when adopted by most members of the population, it cannot be bettered by any other strategy. If the model depicts correctly the costs and benefits of displaying as opposed to fighting fiercely, the behaviour of real animals can be expected to resemble identified ESSs. The most important point of the model is that the best fighting strategy for one individual depends on what the competitors are doing.

      A number of critical insights emerge from the Hawk-Dove model. First, it can be seen that, where the costs of escalated fighting are high, the hawk strategy is not evolutionarily stable, because, even though doves never win, they are also never injured. Therefore, the dove strategy can invade a population of hawks. This conclusion of Maynard Smith and Price's famous model is very important in the history of behaviour science because it formalized the notion that conventional fighting can be explained by determining the costs to individuals and not by the benefits at the group level. The model also predicts that, unless the benefit of winning is greater than the risk of injury, the evolutionary stable position is actually a mixture of hawks and doves. Therefore, within the same population some individuals should be expected to use overtly aggressive tactics when competing for resources, while others should use nonaggressive means. This is a counterintuitive prediction, but it is supported by many well-documented examples. One is the ruff, a type of sandpiper native to Eurasia that is remarkable for its courtship plumage and behaviour. Most breeding male ruffs fight for small territories on which to display, but a significant minority do not fight but simply display to females from the territories of other males. Such behavioral diversity is sometimes associated with morphological variation. For example, in many species of arthropods, including fig wasps, dung beetles, and mites, some adult males have formidable weapons (such as enlarged jaws or horns) that they use when fighting over females, while others are relatively unarmed yet manage to gain mating opportunities by sneaking.

      The Hawk-Dove model assumes that opponents, apart from how they behave, are identical. In reality this is unlikely to be the case, and later models relax the assumption, allowing individuals to differ in fighting ability. Yet even these models indicate thatagain, because of the costs of fightingin asymmetrical encounters both the stronger and the weaker opponent benefit from resolving fights early, on the basis of relative fighting ability, rather than from continuing to fight until one is beaten into submission. From this perspective, fights can be seen as a process whereby opponents gain reliable information about their relative fighting ability. For example, as described earlier, when one red deer stag challenges another over a group of females, the two males roar at each other. They gradually increase the rate at which they roar, and, unless the challenger can roar as fast as or faster than the defender, he will withdraw from the contest. Since roaring is energetically demanding, stags must be in good condition to roar at a rapid rate. Therefore, roaring is a good predictor of fighting ability, allowing stags to assess the probability of winning an escalated fight and to withdraw without injury if the odds are not favourable.

      Unlike the hypothetical hawks and doves of Maynard Smith and Price's model, potential opponents are also likely to differ in the value that they place on the disputed resource. A food item, for instance, is worth more to a starving animal than to a well-fed one. Game theory models that allow for such differences predict that fights will be longer and fiercer when the disputed resource is particularly valuablehence the reason why the most spectacular and dangerous fights are over access to mates.

Felicity A. Huntingford

Additional Reading
Felicity A. Huntingford and Angela K. Turner, Animal Conflict (1987); and John Archer, The Behavioural Biology of Aggression (1988), are older books that provide a broad overview of animal aggression and its biological basis. J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies, An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology, 3rd ed. (1993), a classic textbook, gives clear and authoritative functional explanations of animal aggression. Randy J. Nelson, An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology, 2nd ed. (1999, reissued 2000), provides an excellent general introduction to the link between hormones and behaviour and gives an up-to-date account of the role of hormones in aggressive behaviour.Felicity A. Huntingford

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