

Hindu sect
      member of a sect of Hindus, most numerous in South India, who pay allegiance to Lord Vishnu and follow the teachings of the philosopher Rāmānuja. “Śrīrefers to Vishnu's consort, also called Lakṣmī, to whom Vishnu first taught the doctrine.

      The sect reached its peak in the late 10th or 11th century, when the passionate devotional hymns of the Āḻvārs (a group of mystics) were introduced into the temple service by Nāthamuni. He is called the first ācārya (“teacher”) of the sect and founded a Sanskrit-Tamil school at Srīrangam (Tamil Nadu state), which was then and continues to be a great Vaishnavite centre in South India. Rāmānuja (11th/12th century), in an exposition of the Vedānta-sūtras called Śrībhāṣya (“Beautiful Commentary”), gave the sect a philosophical doctrine to fit its views and early literature. Śrībhāṣya was the first sectarian commentary ever written on a Hindu sacred text and the model for the many others that followed.

      Toward the end of the late 14th century, a controversy arose that split the Śrīvaiṣṇavas into their present two subsects, the Vaḍakalai (or school of northern learning), which relied more on the Sanskrit scriptures, and the Teṉkalai (or school of southern learning), which stressed the Tamil hymns of the Āḻvārs.

      The Śrīvaiṣṇava is among the most exclusive of the Hindu sects. They worship only Vishnu and his consorts and attendants and do not acknowledge Krishna's youthful companion, his mistress Rādhā. Brahman members take the lead in the strict observance of caste regulations in such matters as diet and interdining. Śrīvaiṣṇava Brahmans are much given to scholarly pursuits and have earned for themselves the honorary title of ācārya, or, in Tamil, ayyangar, often spelled iyengar. See also Teṉkalai; Vaḍakalai. (Vaḍakalai)

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