
/ahl"vahr/, n. (sometimes l.c.) Hinduism. (in southern India)
a holy person of the Vaishnava sect.
[ < Tamil alvar, deriv. of ar- sink, be absorbed (as in contemplation)]

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▪ Hindu mystics
      any of a group of South Indian mystics who in the 7th to 10th century wandered from temple to temple singing ecstatic hymns in adoration of the god Vishnu. The songs of the Āḷvārs rank among the world's greatest devotional literature. Among the followers of Śiva, the counterpart of the Āḷvārs were the Nāyaṉārs.

      The name Āḷvār means, in the Tamil language in which they sang, “one who is immersed in meditation of God.” Their bhakti (religious devotion) was of an intensely passionate kind; they compared the soul to a woman who yearns for her lord's love. The Āḷvārs are described as falling unconscious in rapture before the image of their lord, and the saint Nammāḷvār, in speaking of the “madness” of religious exaltation, exhorted his fellow mystics to “run, jump, cry, laugh and sing, and let every man witness it.”

      The hymns of the Āḷvārs were gathered in the 10th century by Nāthamuni, a leader of the Śrīvaiṣṇava sect, who introduced the regular singing of the hymns in Vaiṣṇava temples of South India. The collection is called Nālāyira Prabandham (“Collection of 4,000 Songs”).

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Universalium. 2010.

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