Somoza, Anastasio

Somoza, Anastasio

president of Nicaragua
in full  Anastasio Somoza García , byname  Tacho  
born Feb. 1, 1896, San Marcos, Nicaragua
died Sept. 29, 1956, Ancón, Panama Canal Zone

      soldier-politician who was dictator of Nicaragua for 20 years. Preferring the use of patronage and bribery to violence, he established a family dynasty in which he was succeeded by his son Luis Somoza Debayle as president (195663) and by another son, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, as head of the Guardia Nacional and then as president (196772, 197479).

      The son of a wealthy coffee planter, Somoza was educated in Nicaragua and the United States. By marrying the daughter of a prominent Nicaraguan family, he ensured himself a secure political career. Rising quickly through the political ranks, he became head of Nicaragua's army, the Guardia Nacional, in 1933. With the army at his disposal, three years later he deposed the elected president, his uncle Juan Bautista Sacasa (Sacasa, Juan Bautista), had himselfelectedpresident, and assumed office on Jan. 1, 1937. Although he was officially not president from 1947 to 1950, his position as commander in chief guaranteed his continuous, firm rule for two decades until his death.

      Somoza fostered agriculture, livestock raising, and mineral production; sponsored public works; and made Nicaragua less dependent on banana income. At the same time he amassed a considerable personal fortune, exiled most of his political opponents, owned large areas of land and many businesses, and pictured himself as a paternalistic leader in charge of a benighted people.

      Nominated for still another term on Sept. 21, 1956, Somoza was shot by a young assassin and died a few days later in a U.S. military hospital.

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Universalium. 2010.

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