Somoza Debayle, Luis

Somoza Debayle, Luis

president of Nicaragua
born Nov. 18, 1922
died April 13, 1967, Managua, Nicaragua

      president of Nicaragua (195663), successor to his father, Anastasio Somoza Debayle (Somoza Debayle, Anastasio), who had been assassinated. Luis Somoza also chose and controlled his successors, Rene Schick Gutiérrez (served 196366) and Lorenzo Guerrero Guitérrez (196667).

      The elder son of his father, Somoza attended La Salle Military Academy in New York and, at 18, was made a captain in the Nicaraguan National Guard. From 1950 he served first in the Chamber of Deputies and then in the Senate. As president of his country, he was known for civilian-oriented, liberal administration. He relaxed political controls and did much to modernize the country, instituting many economic and social reforms. He reinstated a ban on consecutive presidential terms and on immediate presidential succession by relatives. He worked to improve the domestic economy and developed better relations with other Central American countries.

      When he stepped down from office in 1963 after picking his successor, he became a senator, a position he held until his death. Despite his relatively progressive views, he never allowed his family's firm hold on Nicaraguan politics to be relinquished.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Luis Somoza Debayle — (November 18, 1922 ndash; April 13, 1967) was the fortieth president of Nicaragua from 1956 ndash;1963, but was effectively dictator of the country from 1956 until his death. He was born in León.Following the assassination of his father,… …   Wikipedia

  • Somoza Debayle — Somoza Debạyle   [sɔ mɔsa ],    1) Anastasio, genannt Tachịto [tatʃ ], nicaraguanischer Politiker, * León 5. 12. 1925, ✝ Asunción (Paraguay) 17. 9. 1980, Bruder von 2); nach Militärausbildung in Managua und in den USA 1950 Generalstabschef,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Somoza Debayle — /saw maw sah dhe vuy le/; Eng. /seuh moh zeuh deuh buy lay, moh seuh/ 1. Anastasio /ah nahs tah syaw/, 1925 80, Nicaraguan army officer, businessman, and political leader: president 1967 72, 1974 79 (brother of Luis Somoza Debayle). 2. Luis… …   Universalium

  • Somoza Debayle — /saw maw sah dhe vuy le/; Eng. /seuh moh zeuh deuh buy lay, moh seuh/ 1. Anastasio /ah nahs tah syaw/, 1925 80, Nicaraguan army officer, businessman, and political leader: president 1967 72, 1974 79 (brother of Luis Somoza Debayle). 2. Luis… …   Useful english dictionary

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