Sima Guang

Sima Guang

Chinese scholar
Wade-Giles romanization  Ssu-ma Kuang  
born Nov. 17, 1019, Guangzhou [now Guangshan, Henan province], China
died 1086, Kaifeng, Henan

      scholar, statesman, and poet who compiled the monumental Zizhi tongjian (“Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government”), a general chronicle of Chinese history from 403 BC to AD 959, considered one of the finest single historical works in Chinese. Known for his moral uprightness, he was learned in several disciplines and prominent in government.

      Sima Guang studied the Confucian Classics and, after passing the civil-service examinations, rose rapidly to high office. Between 1069 and 1085 he led the faction opposing the radical reforms of the innovator Wang Anshi. Conservative in his interpretation of the Confucian Classics, Sima argued for the cause of good government through moral leadership rather than by assertive measures and through the improved functioning of tested institutions rather than by drastic changes. Shortly before his death he finally succeeded in dislodging Wang's faction from the government and became the leading minister in a government that attempted to repeal most of Wang's reforms. Until recent times most historians tended to view Sima favourably and Wang from an opposite viewpoint, but recent historical work has shown that Sima's program of antireform measures was not greatly successful.

      With chosen associates, Sima compiled the Zizhi tongjian in emulation of the Chunqiu (“Spring and Autumn [Annals],” a chronicle believed to have been edited by Confucius). Sima criticized men and institutions from the standpoint of Confucian moral principles. He devoted most of his attention to political events, but the work also covered such diverse subjects as rites, music, astronomy, geography, and economy. In spite of Sima's moral perspective, his chronicle showed evidence of rigorous critical standards. He even compiled a separate work, the Gaoyi (“Scrutiny”), which dealt with the discrepancies in his numerous sources and gave his reasons for preferring certain authorities.

      Sima was also an excellent poet and is the hero of modern Chinese children's books, which portray him as the child who saved a playmate from drowning by breaking the water tank into which his friend had fallen.

Additional Reading
W.G. Beasley and E.G. Pulleyblank (eds.), Historians of China and Japan (1961); C.S. Gardner, Chinese Traditional Historiography (1961); J.T.C. Liu, Reform in Sung China (1959).

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Universalium. 2010.

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