sic bo

sic bo

gambling game
      gambling game played with dice that is widely popular in Asia. During the 1980s and '90s, it spread to American and European casinos (casino), partially in an effort to appeal to gamblers from the East. The name sic bo meansdice pairin Chinese. The game is closely related to grand hazard.

      Sic bo is played with three dice on a table with a layout on which the players place their bets. The possible wagers include the total of the three dice, high and low dice, doubles and triples, all possible specific nonpair two-dice combinations (such as, for example, a 2 and a 5), and the single respective numbers. Bets are settled after each throw of the dice. In Western casinos the table is often electronically wired so that when the dealer has thrown the three dice in a sealed container, he enters the outcome, whereupon all winning areas of the layout light up. The mathematical advantage for the house varies considerably, from 3 percent to as high as 33 percent on the various bets.

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Universalium. 2010.

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