

Hebrew in full  Sephardim Shomrei Torah , English  Sephardi Torah Guardians 

      ultra-Orthodox religious political party in Israel.

      Shas was founded in 1984 by dissident members of the Ashkenazi (Jews of European descent)-dominated Agudat Israel, another ultrareligious party, to represent the interests of religiously observant Sephardic (Middle Eastern) Jews. The sephardim (Sephardi), including many who were not religiously observant, were attracted to the party, particularly in the 1990s, because they saw it as a way to voice their grievances concerning discrimination in education, employment, and housing. In 1984 Shas won 4 seats in the 120-member Knesset, Israel's legislative body, and it marginally increased its representation in 1988 to six seats, a success attributed largely to its participation in a unity government until 1987. While in government it was given control of the Interior Ministry, which allowed it to funnel money to services for religious Sephardic Jews. Broadening its appeal to secular sephardim, Shas won 10 seats in 1996, and by the late 1990s it was the third largest party in the Knesset, challenging the status of the Israel Labour Party and Likud, traditionally the country's two largest parties, and acting as a power broker in coalition negotiations. It has entered coalition governments with both Labour and Likud.

      Shas policy is determined by a council of sages. Seeking to expand the funding of religious institutions, Shas has focused much of its policy attention on social services and education. It also has opposed efforts to further secularize Israel, particularly proposals to introduce civil marriage. Shas has equivocated on the peace accords signed between Israel and the Palestinians in the 1990s; with the exception of East Jerusalem, Shas has steadfastly opposed the building of Israeli settlements in areas conquered by Israel in 1967, and, though it supports autonomy for the Palestinians, Shas has opposed the establishment of a Palestinian state.

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Universalium. 2010.

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