- sensory reception, human
Introductionmeans by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments.Ancient philosophers called the human senses “the windows of the soul,” and Aristotle described at least five senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Aristotle's influence has been so enduring that many people still speak of the five senses as if there were no others. Yet the modern sensory catalog now includes receptors in the muscles, tendons, and joints, which give rise to the kinesthetic sense (that is, the sense of motion (movement perception)), and receptors in the vestibular organs in the inner ear, which give rise to the sense of balance. Within the circulatory system, sensory receptors are found that are sensitive to carbon dioxide in the blood or to changes in blood pressure or heart rate, and there are receptors in the digestive (digestive system, human) tract that appear to mediate such experiences as hunger and thirst. Some brain cells may also participate as hunger receptors. This is especially true of cells in the lower parts of the brain (such as the hypothalamus) where some cells have been found to be sensitive to changes in blood chemistry (water and other products of digestion) and even to changes in temperature within the brain itself.General considerations of sensationBasic features of sensory structuresOne way to classify sensory structures is by the stimuli to which they normally respond; thus, there are photoreceptors (photoreception) (for light), mechanoreceptors (mechanoreception) (for distortion or bending), thermoreceptors (for heat), chemoreceptors (chemoreception) (e.g., for chemical odours), and nociceptors (for painful stimuli). This classification is useful because it makes clear that various sense organs can share common features in the way they convert (transduce) stimulus energy into nerve impulses. Thus, auditory cells and vestibular (balance) receptors (receptor) in the ear and some receptors in the skin all respond similarly to mechanical displacement (distortion). Because many of the same principles apply to other animals, their receptors can be studied as models of the human senses. In addition, many animals are endowed with specialized receptors that permit them to detect stimuli that humans cannot sense. The pit viper, for instance, boasts a receptor of exquisite sensitivity to “invisible” infrared light. Some insects have receptors for ultraviolet light and for pheromones (pheromone) (chemical sex attractants and aphrodisiacs unique to their own species), thereby also exceeding human sensory capabilities.Regardless of their specific anatomical form, all sense organs share basic features:(1) All sense organs contain receptor cells that are specifically sensitive to one class of stimulus energies, usually within a restricted range of intensity. Such selectivity means that each receptor has its own “adequate” or proper or normal stimulus, as, for example, light is the adequate stimulus for vision. However, other energies (“inadequate” stimuli) can also activate the receptor if they are sufficiently intense. Thus, one may “see” pressure when, for example, the thumb is placed on a closed eye and one sees a bright spot (phosphene) in the visual field at a position opposite the touched place.(2) The sensitive mechanism for each modality is often localized in the body at a receiving membrane or surface (such as the retina of the eye (eye, human)) where transducer neurons (sensory cells) are located. Often the sensory organ incorporates accessory structures to guide the stimulating energy to the receptor cells; thus, the normally transparent cornea and lens within the eye focus light on the retinal sensory neurons. Retinal nerve cells (neuron) themselves are more or less shielded from nonvisual sources of energy by the surrounding structure of the eye.(3) The primary transducers or sensory cells in any receptor structure normally connect ( synapse) with secondary, ingoing (afferent) nerve cells that carry the nerve impulse. In some receptors, such as the skin, the individual primary cells possess threadlike structures (axons (axon)) that may be yards long, winding from just beneath the skin surface through subcutaneous tissues until they reach the spinal cord. Here, each axon from the skin terminates and synapses with the next (second-order) neuron in the chain. By contrast, each primary receptor cell in the eye has a very short axon that is contained entirely in the retina, which synapses with a network of several types of second-order neurons called internuncial cells, which, in turn, synapse with third-order neurons called bipolar cells—all still in the retina. The bipolar-cell axons extend afferently beyond the retina, leaving the eyeball to form the optic nerve, which enters the brain to make further synaptic connections. If this visual system is considered as a whole, the retina may be said to be an extended part of the brain on which light can directly fall.From such afferent nerves, still higher-order neurons make increasingly complex connections with anatomically separate pathways of the brainstem and deeper parts of the brain (e.g., the thalamus) that eventually end in specific receiving areas in the cerebral cortex (the convoluted outer shell of the brain). Different sensory receiving areas are localized in particular regions of the cortex; e.g., occipital lobes in the back of the brain for vision, temporal lobes on the sides for hearing, and parietal lobes toward the top of the brain for tactile function.Approaches to the study of sensingThe science of the human senses is truly interdisciplinary. Philosophers, physicians, anatomists, physical scientists, physiologists, psychologists, and others all study sensory activities. Some of their earliest work was anatomical, an approach that continues to be fruitful. Physical scientists, particularly physicists and chemists, made important contributions to an understanding of the nature of stimulus energies (e.g., acoustic, photic, thermal, mechanical, chemical); in the process, they also performed many fundamental measurements of human sensory function. Hermann von Helmholtz (Helmholtz, Hermann von), a 19th-century German scientist who was a physicist, physiologist, and psychologist, studied the way in which sound waves and light are sensed and interpreted. Modern studies of sensation have been enhanced by devices permitting the precise production and control of sensory stimuli. With other instruments, physiologists have been able to probe the electrical signals generated by sensory cells and afferent nerve fibres to provide a biophysical analysis of sensory mechanisms.psychophysics embraces the study of the subjective aspects of sensation in terms of objective stimulus energies. One of the oldest and most classical approaches to the study of sensation, psychophysics includes the study of people's reports of their sensations when they are stimulated: of their ability, for example, to match tones of equal loudness, to detect stimulus differences, and to estimate sensory magnitude or intensity under conditions of controlled stimulation. Psychophysical research continues as an active enterprise particularly among modern psychologists.The old philosophical notion that the mind is a clean slate or tablet ( tabula rasa) until “written on” by impressions from the senses no longer seems fully tenable; infants (infancy), for example, show inborn (innate) ways of sensing or perceiving at birth. In its modern form, the problem of learned versus innate factors in sensory experience is studied in terms of the extent to which the genetically determined structure and function of sense organs and brain depend upon stimulation and experience for their proper maturation. Sensory deprivation in an infant's early life is increasingly being documented as detrimental to the full flowering of mature perceptual and intellectual functions. Since this sort of evidence may lend some support to the notion of the tabula rasa, modern researchers give credence both to nativistic (based on heredity) and empiricistic (based on learning) interpretations of human sensory function (see also learning theory).A distinction between the discriminatory (discrimination) (epicritic) and emotional (emotion) (protopathic) features of sensations was made by Sir Henry Head (1861–1940), a British neurologist who noted that after a sensory nerve from the skin had been cut, the first sensations to recover as the nerve healed appeared to be diffuse and extremely unpleasant. Head theorized that this initial lack of sharp discrimination associated with unpleasant experience reflected the properties of a primitive protopathic neural system that regenerated first. He held that this system subserves pain and the extremes of temperature and pressure sensation usually associated with an affective (emotional) tone. Because recovery of fine tactile discrimination, sensitivity to lightly graded stimuli, and the ability to localize points touched on the skin returned later, Head posited the existence of another discriminatory system. While later research has not confirmed his theory, the sequence of changes in the recovery following nerve injury is most typical.Chemical-visceral sensations particularly have hedonic (pleasure-pain) properties. Most people tend to refer to odours and tastes as pleasant or unpleasant; thus, the chemical senses are closely tied to motivations, preferences, and aversions. Although reflex licking or sucking is stimulated by tactile stimulation (touch reception) of the lips and mouth, newborns tend to suck longer and harder when the stimulus has clear hedonic value—e.g., avidly turning their lips toward a nipple for a sweet taste. Apparently, one's “sweet tooth” is largely nativistic, in that it requires little prior learning. The craving for salt (especially heightened under conditions of salt deprivation) likewise appears to be nativistic. The role of taste and smell as innate factors in behaviour may not be quite so influential in humans as in other animals. People's food habits and preferences are strongly related to custom and tradition; that is, they are primarily learned.In the modern era, the language of communication engineering has been found to be useful in describing human senses. Each sensory modality may be described as a channel that receives stimulus information (input), processes and stores the information (memory), and retrieves it as needed for the effective behaviour (output) of the individual. In addition, devices such as radio, television, radar, and the electron microscope extend the range and power of the senses. In the last analysis, however, all such devices convert (transduce) information back to a form of stimulus energy that is directly perceptible to the unaided senses. For example, a television is a transducer that converts imperceptible electromagnetic waves into visual and auditory signals. For some special purposes, people may employ alternative sensory channels, as when blind people use Braille or other tactile input as substitutes for missing visual channels. While the chemical senses have little function in symbolic communication among people, the use of perfumes in romantic signaling is a notable exception. In general, however, the chemical senses are more directly involved in physiological survival—e.g., warning that a putrid fish is dangerous to eat. Physical well-being also rests heavily on proprioceptors (proprioception) (for sensing bodily position) and on the sense of balance. These structures, monitoring bodily orientation in space, provide crucial sensory feedback for guiding movements (see also movement perception (perception)).Survey of some of the human sensesCutaneous (skin) sensesAs noted above, studies of cutaneous sensitivity yield evidence that the human senses number more than five. There is evidence for two pressure senses (for light and for deep stimulation), for two kinds of temperature sensitivity (warm and cold), and for a pain sense. In the 1880s, findings that the human skin is punctate (selectively sensitive at different points) gave clear indication of a dissociation among functions once grouped together as the sense of touch (touch reception). Mapping the skin with a fine bristle or with a narrow-tipped (warm or cold) cylinder showed that there are different spots of maximum sensitivity to pressure, warm temperatures, and cold temperatures. When stimulated between the spots on the skin, no such sensations were reported. Pain spots also can be located with a finely pointed needle, but the punctate character is less striking since pain seems to be widespread when stimulus intensity is increased. The number of spots is greatest for pain, next for touch, then for cold, and least for warm.Nerve functionMicroscopic examination of the skin reveals a variety of nerve terminals including free nerve endings (which are most common), Ruffini endings, and encapsulated endings, such Pacinian corpuscles, Meissner's corpuscles, and Krause end bulbs.In laboratory animals some nerve endings seem to respond only to one type of stimulus (e.g., to pressure stimuli of very light weight or to slight temperature changes); others exhibit a broad range of sensitivity. Some receptors show combined sensitivity to both temperature and pressure. In some cases only special types of mechanical stimulation (such as rubbing) may be effective. Furthermore, there is extensive overlap in the areas of skin (receptor fields) for individual nerve fibres, suggesting a neural integration of overlapping afferent inputs of skin nerves.On the other hand, some tactile receptors (e.g., Pacinian corpuscles) respond only to mechanical deformation. A Pacinian corpuscle is an onion-shaped structure of nonneural (connective) tissue built up around the nerve ending that reduces the mechanical sensitivity of the nerve terminal itself. If the onionlike capsule is entirely removed, mechanical sensitivity not only remains but is somewhat greater than when the capsule is present.In addition to the differences in the sensory end structures of the skin, the afferent nerve fibres (axons (axon)) from them also show diversity. The nerve fibres range in size from large myelinated (myelin) (sheathed) axons of 10 to 15 micrometres (millionths of a metre) in diameter to extremely small unmyelinated fibres measuring only tenths of micrometres across. Fatter axons tend to conduct nerve impulses more rapidly than do small fibres; when axons of different diameters form a single bundle (a nerve), they constitute a so-called mixed nerve. Thus, electrical records from a mixed nerve show what are labeled A (fast), B (medium), and C (slow) components that reflect the typical speeds at which axons of different diameters conduct. Although such specialized capsules, such as Pacinian corpuscles, tend to be associated with larger diameter axons, and temperature-sensitive endings tend to be associated with medium-size fibres, a unique relation of each of the skin modalities with one of the A, B, or C fibre groups cannot be supported. All of the cutaneous senses seem to be associated with some fibres of all diameters; furthermore, the C fibres (once thought to be restricted to the pain function) display quite specific sensitivities to nonpainful stimuli applied to the skin.A major neural pathway for tactile impulses runs along the back (in the dorsal columns) of the spinal cord. Afferent fibres enter the cord from the cutaneous nerves and ascend without synaptic break in one (the ipsilateral) dorsal column. This is a very rapidly conducting pathway shared by fibres that mediate sensations of deep pressure and kinesthesis. Other tactual, temperature, and pain information crosses the spinal cord close to the level of entry of the sensory fibres and ascends to the brain in contralateral pathways of the cord (the lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts).Each of the nerves distributed along the spinal cord contains a sensory bundle that serves a well-defined strip of skin (a dermatome) about 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide or more on the body surface. Successive spinal nerves (spinal nerve) overlap, so that each place on the skin represents two and sometimes three dermatomes; this yields a segmented pattern of strips over the body from head to toe. All dermatomes feed into a single relay centre (the sensory thalamus) deep within the brain, where there is a precise three-dimensional layout of tactile sensitivity at the body surface. The neurons in this part of the thalamus (the ventral posterolateral nucleus) are specific to particular skin senses (such as pressure) and form small and precise receptor fields. Pathways from the specific ventral posterolateral thalamus end (or project) in a narrow band of the cerebral cortex (the posterior rolandic cortical sensory area) where there is a point-for-point representation of the body surface on the cortical surface. There is a second more diffuse thalamic system (in the posterior thalamic nuclei) where the receptor fields are large, perhaps bilateral, on the left and right sides, perhaps including one whole side of the body. The receptor fields here and the types of stimuli to which they respond are not clearly delineated. The cortical projection of the posterior thalamic system is less well charted than that of the ventral posterolateral thalamus. Thus, there appears to be a dissociation between tactual structures that are highly specific and those that are more generalized.The dissociation of cutaneous senses is demonstrated in the course of some diseases; for example, in syringomyelia, degeneration of the central canal of the spinal cord leads to loss of pain and temperature sensitivity. Nevertheless, the patient still can experience pressure. In some instances there may be a complete absence of pain sensitivity with disastrous consequences such as bruises, cuts, or even the loss of body parts. Still other instances of dissociation of pain versus pressure occur in surgical procedures (such as tractotomy) in which spinal tracts or parts of the nerves leading into the brainstem are selectively cut. Such operations are designed specifically to relieve pain without unduly diminishing pressure sensitivity.Tactile (touch reception) psychophysicsThe mixture of sensitivities within a given patch of skin provides a basis for the concept of adequate stimulation. Sometimes, for example, a cold spot responds to a very warm stimulus, and one experiences what is called paradoxical cold. The sensation of heat from a hot stimulus presumably arises from the adequate stimulation of warmth receptors combined with the inadequate or inappropriate (although effective) stimulation of cold and pain receptors.The ability to detect pressure (i.e., pressure threshold) generally appears when a tension of about 0.85 gram per square mm (equivalent to about 1.2 pounds per square inch) of skin surface is applied on the back of the hand. Thus a force of 85 mg applied to a stimulus hair (or bristle) of 0.1 square mm is just about enough to elicit the experience of pressure. The energy of impact at pressure threshold is much greater than that required for hearing or seeing, the skin requiring approximately 100,000,000 times more energy than the ear and 10,000,000,000 times more energy than the eye. Differential pressure discrimination (the ability to detect just noticeable differences in intensity) requires changes of roughly 14 percent at maximum sensitivity.Adaptation to pressure is well known; one's awareness of a steadily applied bristle fades and ultimately disappears. As a result people are rarely aware of the steady pressure of their clothing unless movement brings about a change in stimulation. Most dramatic and perhaps best known among tactile experiences is adaptation to thermal stimulation. Continued presentation of a warm or cold stimulus leads to reduction or disappearance of the initial sensation and an increase in threshold values. Total obliteration of thermal sensation through adaptation occurs in the range from about 16 to 42 °C (61 to 108 °F). If one hand is placed in a bowl of hot (40 °C [104 °F]) water and adapted to that, and at the same time the other hand is adapted to cold (20 °C [68 °F]) water, then when both hands are simultaneously placed in lukewarm (30 °C [86 °F]) water, the previously cooled hand feels warm and the other hand feels cold. Both types of temperature receptors show adaptation. Cold receptors are characterized by an electrical discharge on sudden cooling, normally showing no response to sudden warming; similar electrical responses are produced by warmth receptors. Both receptors show steady discharges selectively depending on temperature; maximum discharge typically occurs between 38 and 43 °C (100 and 109 °F) for individual warmth receptors and between 15 and 34 °C (59 and 93 °F) for cold receptors.pain is the least understood among all of the human senses. The pattern of stimulation is more crucial in pain than in any other sense. A single brief electric shock to the skin or to an exposed nerve may not elicit the experience of pain; yet it tends to become painful upon repetitive stimulation. Cutaneous pain is often sensed more sharply than is pain associated with deep tissues of the body (e.g., viscera). Certain areas of the body are relatively analgesic (free of pain); for example, one can bite shallowly into the mucous lining of the cheek without discomfort. The organs of the abdominal cavity are usually insensitive to cutting or burning, but traction or stretching of hollow viscera is painful (as when the stomach is distended by gas). Pain also displays sensory adaptation, although the process appears to be more complex than it is for other sensory modalities. Thus, the intensities of headaches (headache), toothaches, and pains from injury often show cyclic fluctuations, possibly from such factors as changes in blood circulation or in degree of inflammation. The visceral pains, those of dental origin, or of diseased tissues can be reduced by analgesic medications, which tend to be less effective on cutaneous pain. Pain has a strong emotional context. In certain cases, after frontal lobotomies (lobotomy) (a type of brain surgery) have been performed, a person may report that he still feels the pain of a pin prick or other irritation but that he does not find it as disturbing or emotionally disruptive as he did before the lobotomy. Many phenomena indicate the powerful role of the brain and spinal cord in sensing potentially painful sensory input. According to one theory, a gate control system in the spinal cord modulates sensory input from the skin to determine whether the input is perceived as painful. This theoretical formulation also may account for moment-to-moment fluctuations in the intensity of perceived pain despite the absence of any stimulus change. Such brain-mediated factors as emotional tension or past psychological experiences are thought to influence pain perception by acting upon this spinal gate control system.itching seems to bear the same relation to pain as tickle does to pressure. The experience usually lasts long enough to demand attention and (like tickle) normally leads to a response such as rubbing or scratching the affected area. A number of skin disorders are accompanied by itching, presumably from a fairly low level of irritation in the affected area (which also may be produced in undiseased skin). While a single shock by a low-intensity electrical spark normally produces no sensation, a repetitive pattern of such shocks may induce an itch similar to that produced by an insect bite. Itching also may occur as an aftereffect of the sharp pricking sensation produced by single strong shocks, presumably because the nerves continue to produce a patterned afterdischarge following the cessation of the stimulus.Nonpainful tactile pattern stimulation is exemplified by vibration. Different frequencies of vibration are readily discriminated, and a tactile communication system employing vibrations on the skin has been devised, particularly for people who cannot see or hear.Kinesthetic (motion) senseEven with the eyes closed, one is aware of the positions of his legs and arms and can perceive the movement of a limb and its direction. The term kinesthesis (“feeling of motion”) has been coined for this sensibility.Nerve functionFour types of sensory structures are widely distributed in muscles (muscle), tendons (tendon), and joints: (joint) (1) neuromuscular (neuromuscular junction) spindles consist of small, fine muscle fibres around which sensory fibre endings are wrapped; (2) Golgi tendon organs consist of sensory nerve fibres that terminate in a branching encapsulated within the tendon; (3) joint receptors (as in the knee) consist of “spray-type” Ruffini endings and Golgi-type and Pacinian corpuscles within the joints; and (4) free nerve endings. All these receptors combine to provide information on active contraction, passive stretch of muscle fibres, and tension. In passive stretch both the muscle-spindle receptors and the tendon receptors send impulses over their sensory (afferent) nerves; in active contraction the spindles exhibit a silent period of neural activity when tension on the parallel fibres is unloaded, while the tendon receptors discharge just as when stretch is passive.The muscle spindle is contractile in response to its own small-diameter, gamma motor (efferent) fibre. The receptors and the gamma fibres of the muscle spindle form a neuromuscular loop that ensures that tension on the spindle is maintained within its efficient operating limits. The excitability of the muscle spindle also can be influenced through other neural pathways that control the general level of excitability of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Activity of the descending reticular formation (a network of cells in the brainstem) may enhance the contraction of the spindle and therefore influence its neural discharges.Muscle and tendon receptors combine to play an intimate and crucial role in the regulation of reflex and voluntary movement. Much of this control is automatic (involuntary) and not directly perceptible except in the aftereffects of movement or change of position. The knee jerk (knee-jerk reflex), or patellar reflex, that follows a tap just below the kneecap of a freely hanging leg is one such involuntary reflex. Sensory (afferent) impulses from stretching the receptors (e.g., in the muscles) relay to the spinal cord and activate a path to the motor (efferent) nerves leading back to the same muscle. The knee jerk is a purely spinal reflex response (the brain is not required) which is tested usually to determine nerve damage or other interference with the spinal cord motor mechanisms. Besides producing loss of knee jerk, a disease such as syphilis may lead to locomotor ataxia (a clumsy and stumbling gait) when the bacteria (called a spirochete) attacks the sensory nerves of the cord's dorsal column. The result is that the affected individual has difficulty sensing the position of his limbs. Another general function of the muscle receptors is the maintenance of muscle tone (partial contraction) to permit rapid response (fast reaction time) to stimulation. In normal conditions the muscle has tone and is ready to respond; but, when it is without motor stimulation (deafferented), the muscle is flaccid, showing little tone. Upright posture depends on the tone of opposing (extensor and flexor) muscles in response to the effects of gravity.The exact contribution of the muscle receptors to sensation is not entirely understood. It seems clear, however, that they are not essential to the sensation of bodily position. The appreciation of passive movement of the limbs probably comes largely from the joints, since, after anesthetizing the overlying skin and muscles, sensibility to the limb movement seems little affected. Very few of the impulses arising from the muscle receptors themselves reach the cerebral cortex; instead, they ascend in the spinal pathways to another part of the brain, the cerebellum, where they interact in the automatic control of bodily movement. Impulses arising from the joint receptors, on the other hand, have been recorded in both the thalamus and cerebral cortex, the degree of angular displacement of a joint being reflected systematically in these structures by the frequency of nerve impulses. Symptoms of some diseases also emphasize the importance of joint sensitivity. When bone disease, for example, destroys only the joint receptors, the ability to appreciate posture and movement is lost.The feedback systemThe feedback system leading to muscle tone is a delicately balanced mechanism. The gamma loop feeds back information that maintains muscle tone and postural adjustments appropriate to the efficient performance of different voluntary actions. The afferent input from the muscle spindles via the spinal cord to the cerebellum traverses an extensive circuit involving interactions of excitatory and inhibitory processes, the end result of which ensures smooth and finely coordinated movements. Disease or other neurological damage in the cerebellum is characterized by distortions of movement and posture. Some sufferers of cerebellar disorders display crude, overactive motor activity (ballistic movement). Other individuals with cerebellar disease display what resembles a drunken gait, jerkily stumbling and swaying along. By relying on other sensory cues (e.g., visual and tactile), some people are able to compensate for awkward and uncoordinated movements associated with cerebellar damage.Vestibular sense (equilibrium (proprioception))The inner (inner ear) ear (ear, human) contains parts (the nonauditory labyrinth or vestibular organ) that are sensitive to acceleration in space, rotation, and orientation in the gravitational field. Rotation is signaled by way of the semicircular canals, three bony tubes in each ear that lie embedded in the skull roughly at right angles to each other. These canals are filled with fluid called endolymph; in the ampulla of each canal are receptor cells with fine hairs that project up into the fluid to be displaced as the endolymph lags behind when rotation begins. When rotation is maintained at a steady velocity, the fluid catches up, and stimulation of the hair cells no longer occurs until rotation suddenly stops, again circulating the endolymph. Whenever the hair cells are thus stimulated, one normally experiences a sensation of rotation in space. During rotation one exhibits reflex nystagmus (back-and-forth movement) of the eyes. Slow displacement of the eye occurs against the direction of rotation and serves to maintain the gaze at a fixed point in space; this is followed by a quick return to the initial eye position in the direction of the rotation. Stimulation of the hair cells in the absence of actual rotation tends to produce an apparent “swimming” of the visual field, often associated with dizziness and nausea.Two sacs or enlargements of the vestibule (the saccule and utricle) react to steady (static) pressures (e.g., those of gravitational forces). Hair cells within these structures are covered by a gelatinous cap in which are embedded small granular particles of calcium carbonate, called otoliths, that weigh against the hairs. Unusual stimulation of the vestibular receptors and semicircular canals can cause sensory distortions in visual and motor activity. The resulting discord between visual and motor responses and the external space (space exploration) (as aboard a ship in rough waters) often leads to nausea and disorientation (e.g., seasickness (motion sickness)). In space flight abnormal gravitational and acceleratory forces may contribute to nausea or disequilibrium.In some diseases (hearing) (e.g., ear infections), irritation of vestibular nerve endings may cause the affected individual to be subject to falling as well as to spells of disorientation and vertigo. Similar symptoms may be induced by flushing hot and cold water into the outer opening of the ear, since the temperature changes produce currents in the endolymph of the semicircular canals. This effect is used in clinical tests for vestibular functions and in physiological experiments. Externally applied electrical currents may also stimulate the nerve endings of the vestibule. When a current is applied to the right mastoid bone (just behind the ear), nystagmus to the right tends to occur with a reflex right movement of the head; movement tends to the left for the opposite mastoid. Destruction of the labyrinth in only one ear causes vertigo and other vestibular symptoms, such as nystagmus, inaccurate pointing, and tendency to fall.The sensory structures for taste are the taste buds (taste bud), clusters of cells contained in goblet-shaped structures called papillae that open by a small pore to the mouth cavity. A single taste bud contains about 50 to 75 slender taste receptor cells, all arranged in a banana-like cluster pointed toward the gustatory pore. Taste receptor cells, which differentiate from the surrounding epithelium, are replaced by new cells in a turnover period as short as 7 to 10 days. The various types of cells in the taste bud appear to be different stages in this turnover process. Slender nerve fibres entwine among and make contact usually with many cells. Taste buds are located primarily in fungiform (mushroom-shaped), foliate, and circumvallate (walled-around) papillae of the tongue or in adjacent structures of the palate and throat (pharynx). Many gustatory receptors in small papillae on the soft palate and back roof of the mouth in adults are particularly sensitive to sour and bitter tastes, whereas the tongue receptors are relatively more sensitive to sweet and salty tastes. Some loss of taste sensitivity suffered among denture wearers may occur because of mechanical interference of the dentures with taste receptors on the roof of the mouth.Nerve supplyThere is no single sensory nerve for taste. The anterior (front) two-thirds of the tongue is supplied by one nerve (the lingual nerve), the back of the tongue by another (the glossopharyngeal nerve), and the throat and larynx by certain branches of a third (the vagus nerve), all of which subserve touch, temperature, and pain sensitivity in the tongue, as well as taste. The gustatory fibres of the anterior tongue leave the lingual nerve to form the chorda tympani, a slender nerve that traverses the eardrum on the way to the brainstem. When the chorda tympani at one ear is cut or damaged (by injury to the eardrum), taste buds begin to disappear and gustatory sensitivity is lost on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on the same side. The taste fibres from all the sensory nerves from the mouth come together in the medulla oblongata. Here and at all levels of the brain, gustatory fibres run in distinct and separate pathways, lying close to the pathways for other modalities from the tongue and mouth cavity. From the medulla (medulla oblongata), the gustatory fibres ascend by a pathway to a small cluster of cells in the thalamus and then to a taste-receiving area in the anterior cerebral cortex.Physiological basis of tasteNo simple relationship has been found between the chemical composition of stimuli and the quality of gustatory experience except in the case of acids (acid). The taste qualities of inorganic salts (salt) (such as potassium bromide) are complex; epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is commonly sensed as bitter, while table salt (sodium chloride) is typical of sodium salts, which usually yield the familiar saline taste. Sweet and bitter tastes are elicited by many different classes of chemical compound.Theorists of taste sensitivity classically posited only four basic or primary types of human taste receptors, one for each gustatory quality: salty, sour, bitter, and sweet. Yet, recordings of sensory impulses in the taste nerves of laboratory animals show that many individual nerve fibres from the tongue are of mixed sensitivity, responding to more than one of the basic taste stimuli, such as acid plus salt or acid plus salt plus sugar. Other individual nerve fibres respond to stimuli of only one basic gustatory quality. Most numerous, however, are taste fibres subserving two basic taste sensitivities; those subserving one or three qualities are about equal in number and next most frequent; fibres that respond to all four primary stimuli are least common. Mixed sensitivity may be only partly attributed to multiple branches of taste nerve endings. In humans, tastes of sugars, synthetic sweeteners, weak salt solutions, and some unpleasant medications are blocked by gymnemic acid, a drug obtained from Gymnema bushes native to India. Among some laboratory animals, gymnemic acid blocks only the nerve response to sugar, even if the fibre mediates other taste qualities. Such a multiresponsive fibre still can transmit taste impulses (e.g., for salt or sour), so that blockage by the drug can be attributed to chemically specific sites or cells in the taste bud.In some animals (e.g., the cat), specific taste receptors appear to be activated by water; these water receptors are inhibited by weak saline solutions. Water taste might be considered a fifth gustatory quality in addition to the basic four.The qualities of tasteThe hydrogen ions (hydrogen ion) of acids (e.g., hydrochloric acid) are largely responsible for the sour taste; however, although a stimulus grows more sour as its hydrogen ion (H+) concentration increases, this factor alone does not determine sourness. Weak organic acids (e.g., the acetic acid in vinegar) taste more sour than would be predicted from their hydrogen ion concentration alone; apparently the rest of the acid molecule affects the efficiency with which hydrogen ions stimulate.Although saltiness is often associated with water-soluble salts, most such compounds (except sodium chloride) have complex tastes such as bitter-salt or sour-salt. Salts of low molecular weight are predominantly salty, while those of higher molecular weight tend to be bitter. The salts of heavy metals such as mercury have a metallic taste, although some of the salts of lead (especially lead acetate) and beryllium are sweet. Both parts of the molecule (e.g., lead and acetate) contribute to taste quality and to stimulating efficiency. The following is a series for degree of saltiness, in decreasing order: ammonium (most salty), potassium, calcium, sodium, lithium, and magnesium salts (least salty).Except for some salts of lead or beryllium, sweetness is associated largely with organic compounds (such as alcohols (alcohol), glycols (glycol), sugars (sugar), and sugar derivatives). Sensitivity to synthetic sweeteners (e.g., saccharin) is especially remarkable; the taste of saccharin can be detected in a dilution 700 times weaker than that required for cane sugar. The stereochemical (spatial) arrangement of atoms within a molecule may affect its taste; thus, slight changes within a sweet molecule will make it bitter or tasteless (see the figure—>). Several theorists have proposed that the common feature for all of the sweet stimuli is the presence in the molecule of a proton acceptor, such as the OH (hydroxyl) components of carbohydrates (e.g., sugars) and many other sweet-tasting compounds. It has also been theorized that such molecules will not taste sweet unless they are of appropriate size.The experience of a bitter taste is elicited by many classes of chemical compounds and often is associated with sweet and other gustatory qualities. Among bitter substances are such alkaloids (alkaloid) (often toxic) as quinine, caffeine, and strychnine. Most of these substances have extremely low taste thresholds and are detectable in very weak concentrations. The size of such molecules is theoretically held to account for whether or not they will taste bitter. An increase in molecular weight of inorganic salts or an increase in length of chains of carbon atoms in organic molecules tends to be associated with increased bitterness.A substantial minority of people exhibit specific taste blindness, an inability to detect as bitter such chemicals as phenylthiocarbamide (phenylthiocarbamide tasting) (PTC). Taste blindness for PTC and other carbamides appears to be hereditary (as a recessive trait), occurring in about a third of Europeans and in roughly 40 percent of the people in Western India. Taste blindness for carbamides is not correlated with insensitivity to other bitter stimuli.Factors affecting taste sensitivityFluids of extreme temperature, especially those that are cold, may produce temporary taste insensitivity. People generally seem to taste most acutely when the stimulus is at or slightly below body temperature. When the tongue and mouth are first adapted to the temperature of a taste solution, sugar sensitivity increases with temperature rise, salt and quinine sensitivity decrease, and acid sensitivity is relatively unchanged. Gustatory adaptation (partial or complete disappearance of taste sensitivity) may occur if a solution is held in the mouth for a period of time. The effect of one adapting stimulus on the sensitivity to another one (cross adaptation) is especially common with substances that are chemically similar and that elicit the same taste quality. Adaptation to sodium chloride will reduce one's ability to sense the saltiness of a variety of the inorganic salts but will leave undiminished or even enhance such qualities as bitterness, sweetness, or sourness that were part of the taste of the salt before adaptation. Likewise, adaptation by one acid may reduce sensitivity to the sourness of other acids.Adaptation studies often are complicated by so-called contrast effects; for example, people say that distilled water tastes sweet following their exposure to a weak acid. Water may take on other taste qualities as well; following one's adaptation to a sour-bitter chemical such as urea, water may taste salty. Adaptation tends to diminish or enhance the effect of a subsequent stimulus depending on whether the two stimuli normally elicit the same or a contrasting taste. Thus, the adapted sweetness of water and all normally sweet-tasting substances are enhanced after one has tasted acid (sour). The bitterness of tea and coffee or the sourness of lemon are masked or suppressed by sugar or saccharin.The human gustatory difference threshold (for a just noticeable difference in intensity) is approximately a 20 percent change in concentration. For very weak taste stimuli, however, the threshold sensitivity is less.Food choiceOne's ability to taste is intimately involved with his eating habits or with his rejection of noxious substances. One of the earliest reflex responses of the infant, that of sucking, can be controlled by gustatory stimuli. Sweet solutions are sucked more readily than plain water; bitter, salty, or sour stimuli tend to stop the sucking reflex.Many animals provide clear examples of beneficially selective feeding (nutrition) behaviour. Laboratory rats, when given an unhampered choice of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals (each in a separate container), show consistent patterns of selection that may be modified by physiological stresses and strains. A rat made salt-deficient by removal of its adrenal glands (adrenal gland), for example, will increase its intake of sodium chloride sufficiently to maintain health and growth; normally, such gland removal is fatal in the absence of salt-replacement therapy. Histories of similar effects have been reported in humans, one case being that of a child with an adrenal disorder who kept himself alive by satisfying an intense salt craving.Among adults, past experience strongly influences eating habits, sometimes to the point that physiological well-being suffers. Food habits and other factors play a significant role in eating behaviour.Taste alone is not a reliable guide to safety. Poisonous (poison) substances often are unpalatable, but not invariably. Lead acetate, sometimes called sugar of lead, once was used as a sweetening agent with disastrous results before its potentially fatal effects were discovered. Many palatable substances, including some synthetic sweeteners, are toxic.Taste aversions may be established by conditioning, even for substances that have been previously preferred. In one study, a rat tasted saccharin solution three hours before being exposed to enough radiation to become sick. When the animal recovered, it was found to have a strong aversion to the taste of saccharin. Other aversions selectively can be produced by injecting an individual with a nauseating drug before or after a specific taste experience. For example, the medication disulfiram (Antabuse), used in the treatment of alcoholism, reacts with alcohol to produce nausea and vomiting. An unusual finding is that long delays of up to several hours in the time between the presentation of the taste stimulus and the induction of illness do not prevent the conditioning. In most other studies, only brief intervals (perhaps up to minutes in duration) have been found to result in successful conditioning. Positive preferences also are subject to conditioning, as when the tastes of drugs or vitamins become associated with the feelings of well-being they generate.In humans the olfactory receptors are located high in the nasal cavity (nose). The yellow-pigmented olfactory membrane covers about 2.5 square cm (0.4 square inch) on each side of the inner nose. Olfactory receptors are long thin cells ending in 6 to 12 delicate hairs called cilia (cilium) that project into and through the mucus that normally covers the nasal epithelium, or lining. The end of each receptor narrows to a fine nerve fibre, which, along with many others, travels through a channel in the bony roof of the nasal cavity and enters either of two specialized structures called olfactory bulbs (olfactory bulb)—stemlike projections under the front part of the brain—to end in a series of intricate basketlike clusters called glomeruli. Each glomerulus receives impulses from about 26,000 receptors and sends them on through other cells, eventually to reach higher olfactory centres at the base of the brain. Fibres also cross from one olfactory bulb to the other.Odorous molecules are carried to the olfactory region by slight eddies in the air during quiet breathing, but vigorous sniffing brings a surge of air into the olfactory region. Odour sensitivity may be impaired by blocking the nasal passages mechanically, as when membranes are congested by infection.pain endings of the trigeminal nerve fibres are widely distributed throughout the nasal cavity, including the olfactory region. Relatively mild odorants, such as orange oil, as well as the more obvious irritants, such as ammonia, stimulate such nerve endings as well as the olfactory receptors.Olfactory qualitiesThe vocabulary of odour is rich with names of substances that elicit a great variety of olfactory qualities. One of the best-known published psychological attempts at classification was in 1916 on the basis of more than 400 different scents on human subjects. On the basis of the apparent similarities of perceived odour quality or confusions in naming, it was concluded that there were six main odour qualities: fruity, flowery, resinous, spicy, foul, and burned.Electrical activity can be detected with fine insulated wires inserted into the olfactory bulb. Portions of the olfactory bulb toward the anterior or oral region in the rabbit are found to be more sensitive to water-soluble substances, whereas the more posterior parts of the olfactory bulb are more sensitive to fat-soluble substances. In addition, when very fine electrodes are used, individual cells (mitral cells) are sensitive to different groups of chemicals. Evidence for the existence of only a few primary receptors, however, does not emerge from such studies; a variety of different combinations of sensitivity has been found. Similarly, recordings from the primary receptor nerve fibres reveal different patterns of sensitivity. Electrical recording of this type also shows that olfactory sensitivity can be enhanced by a painful stimulus, such as a pinch on the foot. This appears to be a reflex that serves to enhance the detection of dangerous stimuli in the environment. Different parts of the olfactory neural pathways seem to be selectively tuned to discriminate different classes of olfactory information. For example, the third- and fourth-order olfactory neurons found beyond the olfactory bulb of the rat seem particularly concerned with distinguishing the odour of sexually receptive females. These neurons appear to be especially important in the preference the male rat shows for the smell of urine from the female in heat.Odourous substancesTo be odorous, a substance must be sufficiently volatile for its molecules to be given off and carried into the nostrils by air currents. The solubility (solution) of the substance also seems to play a role; chemicals that are soluble in water or fat tend to be strong odorants. No unique chemical or physical property that can be said to elicit the experience of odour has yet been discovered.Only seven of the chemical elements are odorous: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, oxygen (as ozone), phosphorus, and arsenic. Most odorous substances are organic (carbon-containing) compounds in which both the arrangement of atoms within the molecule as well as the particular chemical groups that comprise the molecule influence odour. Stereoisomers (i.e., different spatial arrangements of the same molecular components) may have different odours. On the other hand, a series of different molecules that derive from benzene all have a similar odour. It is of historic interest that the first benzene derivatives studied by chemists were found in pleasant-smelling substances from plants (such as oil of wintergreen or oil of anise), and so the entire class of compounds was labelled aromatic. Subsequently, other so-called aromatic compounds (aromatic compound) were identified that have less-attractive odours.The scent of flowers (flower) and roots (such as ginger) depends upon the presence of minute quantities of highly odorous essential oils. Although the major odour constituents can be identified by chemical analysis, some botanical essences are so complex that their odours can be duplicated only by adding them in small amounts to synthetic formulations.Odour sensitivityIn spite of the relative inaccessibility of the olfactory receptor cells, odour stimuli can be detected at extremely low concentrations. Olfaction is said to be 10,000 times more sensitive than taste. A threshold value for the odorant ethyl mercaptan (found in rotten meat) has been cited in the range of 1/400,000,000th of a milligram per litre of air. A just-noticeable difference in odour intensity may be apparent when there is a 20 percent increase in odorant strength, but at low concentrations as much as a 100 percent increase in concentration may be required. temperature influences the strength of an odour by affecting the volatility and therefore the emission of odorous particles from the source; humidity also affects odour for the same reasons. Hunting dogs can follow a spoor (odour trail) most easily when high humidity retards evaporation and dissipation of the odour. Perfumes (perfume) contain chemicals called fixatives, added to retard evaporation of the more volatile constituents. The temporary anosmia (absence of sense of smell) following colds may be complete or partial; in the latter case, only the odours of certain substances are affected. Paranosmia (change in perceived odour quality) also may occur during respiratory infections. Changes in sensitivity are reported to occur in women during the menstrual cycle (menstruation), particularly in regard to certain odorants (steroids) related to sex hormones. Olfactory sensitivity also is said to become more acute during hunger.adaptation to odours is so striking that the stench of a junkyard or chemical laboratory ceases to be a nuisance after a few minutes have passed. Olfactory adaptation, as measured by a rise in threshold, is especially pronounced for stronger odours. Cross adaptation (between different odours) may take place; thus, eucalyptus oil may be difficult to detect after one becomes adapted to the smell of camphor. Adaptation was long regarded solely as the result of changes in the olfactory receptor; however, the receptor cells in the nose seem to adapt only partially. Rhythmic discharges continue in the olfactory bulb long after one ceases to detect an odour. Apparently, some olfactory adaptation may occur in the brain as well as in the sense organ.Effects on behaviourMammals in the wild state appear to utilize their odour glands for sexual attraction. Rats show a preference for the branch of a maze that has been scented with the odour of a sexually receptive (reproductive behaviour) female. It is likely that some rudiments of these effects operate in humans. The most sexually provocative perfumes have a high proportion of musk or a musklike odour. Genuine musk is derived from the sexual glands of the musk deer and is chemically related to human sex hormones (sex hormone); odour sensitivity in humans varies with the menstrual cycle (menstruation).Among laboratory animals the secretion of reproductive hormones can be markedly influenced by odour stimulation. This seems to be an innate physiological process rather than the result of learning. When the odour of a strange male is presented to a recently mated female, pregnancy block occurs. The normal hormonal changes following copulation are blocked under these conditions, and the fertilized egg fails to survive. A related study of the periodicity and length of the menstrual cycle in women exposed to the normal odours of men suggests that there may be similar effects among humans. Human behaviour, though it is molded and shaped by custom and culture, has many of its roots in basic sensual appetites.Carl PfaffmannAdditional ReadingGeneral overviews of human sensory perception are presented in Ronald Melzack and Patrick D. Wall, The Challenge of Pain, updated 2nd ed. (1996); Herbert Hensel, Thermal Sensations and Thermoreceptors in Man (1982); Trygg Engen, The Perception of Odors (1982); Lawrence Kruger and John C. Liebeskind (eds.), Neural Mechanisms of Pain (1984); Michael Potegal (ed.), Spatial Abilities: Development and Physiological Foundations (1982); and Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, and Thomas M. Jessell (eds.), Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. (2000).Carl Pfaffmann
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Universalium. 2010.