Sarapion, Saint

Sarapion, Saint

Egyptian monk
also spelled  Serapion  
flourished 4th century, ; feast day March 21; Coptic church, March 7

      Egyptian monk, theologian, and bishop of Thmuis, Lower Egypt, in the Nile River delta.

      Sarapion was a champion with St. Athanasius (Athanasius, Saint) of Alexandria of orthodox doctrine in the 4th-century theological controversy over Arianism. A key figure in early monasticism, together with his Egyptian contemporary, St. Anthony, Sarapion corresponded with the orthodox theologian Athanasius about the divine Trinity, particularly on the Holy Spirit. Important as evidence of primitive Christian public prayer is Sarapion's Euchologion (“Collected Prayers,” orSacramentary”), which contains liturgical texts for various rites and blessings, including some of the earliest formulas in the Eucharist. Sarapion also created certain unique eucharistic verses invoking the divine Logos (“Word”) to consecrate the sacramental elements of bread and wine.

      Sarapion had become bishop of Thmuis by 339, but, because of strong Arian opposition allied with political support, he had been forced out of office by 359.

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Universalium. 2010.

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