Salutati, Coluccio

Salutati, Coluccio

▪ Florentine chancellor
born Feb. 16, 1331, Stignano, Tuscany
died May 4, 1406, Florence

      Humanist and Florentine chancellor.

      In his youth in Bologna he took up the study of law but soon abandoned it as unsuited to his temperament. When his father died, leaving him an orphan, he overcame his repugnance and apprenticed himself to a notary. After the fall of the Pepoli in Bologna (1351), Coluccio returned to his birthplace, Stignano, and later (1367) became chancellor of the commune of Todi (north of Rome), of Lucca (1371), and of the Papal Curia at Viterbo. In 1375 he assumed the office of chancellor of the Florentine signorie (elected lords ruling as despots), which he held for 31 years until his death, taking part in the complicated and turbulent politics of the city and of Italy generally. His Latin letters to other states were so effective that the tyrannical Duke of Milan, one of the targets of his scorn, said that a thousand Florentine horsemen were less damaging than Salutati's epistles.

      Although Salutati's life was filled largely by political and administrative matters, he also developed a keen interest in Humanism, writing treatises and private letters on philosophical questions and on literary and textual criticism and influencing and patronizing a number of disciples, including Poggio and Leonardo Bruni. He sought out and welcomed the Byzantine scholar Manuel Chrysoloras (Chrysoloras, Manuel), whose arrival in Florence in 1396 was one of the great events of the Renaissance, renewing as it did a general interest in Greek. Even in his advanced age, Salutati himself began studying Greek. He was also a bibliophile and collector of “lost” manuscripts; part of his large library of ancient Latin and medieval authors went to San Marco's, Florence.

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