Rifāʿ, Ar-

Rifāʿ, Ar-

also spelled  Rifaʿa 

      municipality in the state and emirate of Bahrain, on north-central Bahrain island, in the Persian Gulf. It is on the north rim of the island's central depression, site of the country's chief oil fields. The municipality is an agglomeration of four originally distinct population clusters, now united in administration and economic interests. Ar-Rifāʿ ash-Sharqī (East Rifāʿ) and Ar-Rifāʿ al-Gharbī (West Rifāʿ) are the two historic settlements; smaller and newer are Ar-Rifāʿ ash-Shamālī (North Rifāʿ) and Ar-Rifāʿ al-Gharbī Camp, which is only 1 mile (1.5 km) west of the huge refinery of the Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco). The camp was built by the company to house its Indian and Pakistani refinery workers.

      Ar-Rifāʿ al-Gharbī and Ar-Rifāʿ ash-Sharqī predate the ruling Āl Khalīfah dynasty in Bahrain (1783); the latter site, with its fortified castle commanding a prospect of most of the island, was long the seat of the rulers of Bahrain, even under Persian rule in the 18th century. Neighbouring Ar-Rifāʿ al-Gharbī, however, has been favoured in modern times. Ar-Rifāʿ al-Gharbī is also the headquarters of the Bahraini Defense Force.

      In the first decade of the 20th century the Ar-Rifāʿ villagers made a poor living by transporting pure drinking water on camelback from their fine wells to the city of Manama. There was virtually no other economic activity. In 1932 the discovery of petroleum brought a radical change to the people of the region. Most are employed by Bapco. This industrial base has brought Ar-Rifāʿ improved housing, municipal government, electric power via high-tension lines (1950s), and centrally supplied piped water (early 1960s). The large aluminum smelter of the Aluminium Bahrain Company (Alba), completed in 1972 and running at capacity in 1976, processes ore imported from Australia. It is located to the southeast of Ar-Rifāʿ as are secondary aluminum industries. Pop. (1987 est.) 45,530.

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Universalium. 2010.

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