Reston, James

Reston, James

American writer and editor
in full  James Barrett Reston,  byname  Scotty Reston 
born Nov. 3, 1909, Clydebank, Dumbartonshire, Scot.
died Dec. 6, 1995, Washington, D.C., U.S.

      Scottish-born American columnist and editor for The New York Times who was one of the most influential American journalists.

      Reston moved to the United States with his parents at the age of 10 and soon acquired the nickname Scotty. He attended public schools in Dayton, Ohio, and graduated from the University of Illinois in 1932. He worked for the Springfield (Ohio) Daily News and as Ohio State University's sports publicity director. He also wrote publicity for the Cincinnati Reds baseball team and joined the Associated Press (AP) as a sports writer. In 1937 he was assigned to AP's London bureau.

      Reston became associated with The New York Times (New York Times, The) in 1939, when he went to work in the paper's London bureau. He started as a reporter, became a columnist for the paper in 1953, went on to serve as Washington bureau chief (195364), executive editor (196869), and vice president (196974), and retired in 1989 after 50 years spent with the Times. In his coverage of national and world news, Reston was aided by an unrivaled personal access to American presidents and other world leaders. He was often the first to break stories about major news events. Reston helped create the nation's first Op-Ed pagei.e., a page for columnists' opinion piecesfor The New York Times in 1970. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1945 for his dispatches and interpretative articles on the Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944) and another Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for a series of five articles on the devolution of executive power in the event of a president's disability. Reston also recruited and trained many talented young journalists who shaped The New York Times' coverage late into the 20th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Reston,James Barrett — Reston, James Barrett. Known as “Scotty.” 1909 1995. Scottish born American journalist. Associated with the New York Times since 1939, he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945 and in 1957 for his reporting. * * * …   Universalium

  • Reston, James Barrett — ▪ 1996       ( SCOTTY ), U.S. journalist (b. Nov. 3, 1909, Clydebank, Scotland d. Dec. 6, 1995, Washington, D.C.), was considered one of the nation s most influential journalists during his 50 year association with the New York Times. He broke a… …   Universalium

  • Reston, James (Barrett) — born Nov. 3, 1909, Clydebank, Dumbartonshire, Scot. died Dec. 6, 1995, Washington, D.C., U.S. Scottish born U.S. columnist and editor. His family moved to the U.S. when he was 10 years old. He was a sportswriter before joining The New York Times… …   Universalium

  • James Reston — James Barrett Reston (November 3, 1909 ndash; December 6, 1995) (nicknamed Scotty ) was an American journalist whose career spanned the mid 1930s to the early 1990s. Associated for many years with The New York Times , he became perhaps the most… …   Wikipedia

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  • Reston — /res teuhn/, n. James (Barrett), born 1909, U.S. journalist, born in Scotland. * * * ▪ Virginia, United States       urban community, in Fairfax county, northeastern Virginia, U.S. It lies adjacent to Herndon, 22 miles (35 km) west northwest of… …   Universalium

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