Ramos, Graciliano

Ramos, Graciliano

Brazilian author
born Oct. 27, 1892, Quebrângulo, Braz.
died March 20, 1953, Rio de Janeiro

      Brazilian regional novelist whose works explore the lives of characters shaped by the rural misery of northeastern Brazil.

      Ramos spent most of his life in Palmeira dos Índios, in the northeastern Brazilian state of Alagoas, where he was proprietor of a general store and mayor. His memoirs, Infância (1945; “Childhood”), describe the hazards of his family's fortunes in the drought-stricken area, his meagre schooling, and the education he pieced together for himself by reading the works of Émile Zola, José Maria de Eça de Queirós, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Maksim Gorky.

      In 1934 he published São Bernardo, the reflections of Paulo Honório, who has risen by methods ranging from petty deceit to murder to become master of the plantation St. Bernard, where he was once a hired hand.

      In 1936 Ramos was arrested and imprisoned on a penal island. Though he was likely detained on suspicion of being a communist, no explanation for his arrest was ever given. (He later joined the Communist Party in 1945.) On his release from prison he settled in Rio de Janeiro, where he earned a marginal income as a federal inspector of education. In 1938 he published his most widely read novel, Vidas sêcas (Barren Lives), a story of a peasant family's flight from drought. His Memórias do cárcere (1953; “Prison Memoirs”) was published posthumously.

Additional Reading
Celso Lemos de Oliveira, Understanding Graciliano Ramos (1988).

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