psychogalvanic reflex

psychogalvanic reflex

also called  galvanic skin response (GSR) 

      a change in the electrical properties of the body (probably of the skin) following noxious stimulation, stimulation that produces emotional reaction, and, to some extent, stimulation that attracts the subject's attention and leads to an aroused alertness. The response appears as an increase in the electrical conductance of the skin (a decrease in resistance) across the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. It appears about two seconds after stimulation, as by a pinprick or threat of injury; it rises to a maximum after two to ten seconds and subsides at about the same rate.

      The PGR is mediated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. It is a part of the general arousal or activation pattern of physiological responses that mobilizes and fits the person for effective reaction in an emergency. In addition, parts of the brain's premotor cerebral cortex appear to have a role in producing it. The consensus is that the PGR is associated with activation of the sweat glands by the postganglionic sympathetic fibres but that the perspiration actually secreted does not produce the characteristic decrease in skin resistance by acting as an electrolytic conductor.

      A more sensitive indicator of minimal emotional (emotion) arousal than are other physiological responses, the PGR has figured extensively in studies of emotion and emotional learning. It can help to uncover complexes of emotional sensitivities when used with word-association tests or interviews; by observing when the response occurs, the skilled worker can deduce which stimuli evoke emotional disturbance. The PGR is essentially involuntary, although people can be taught to control it somewhat via biofeedback training. As a detector of emotion, the response often has served as one of the indicators in the lie detector, along with blood pressure, pulse, and respiration.

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Universalium. 2010.

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