Protić, Stojan

Protić, Stojan

Serbian statesman
born Jan. 28, 1857, Kruševac, Serbia
died Oct. 28, 1923, Belgrade

      Serbian statesman and editor who was the first prime minister of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (191819, 1920), later called Yugoslavia.

      Having studied history and philology in Belgrade, Protić briefly worked in government service before devoting himself to journalism and becoming editor of Samouprava (“Autonomy”), the daily newspaper of the Serbian Radical Party. Although he served a short prison term for a press offense, he became editor of another paper, Odjek (“Echo”), in 1884 and strongly advocated changing Serbia's constitution. Elected to Parliament in 1887, he became secretary of the commission that drafted a more democratic constitution adopted in 1889. Consistently reelected to Parliament (188897), Protić also founded and edited the monthly journal Delo (“Deed”) in 1894. After an attempt in July 1899 on the life of the former king Milan (reigned 186889), repressive measures were undertaken against the Serbian Radical Party; and Protić was found guilty of conspiracy and sentenced to 20 years' hard labour in fetters. Reprieved in 1900, he was reelected to Parliament in 1901. After 1903 he joined Nikola Pašić and Lazar Pacu as a leader of the Radical Party and represented it in the government as home secretary four times and as minister of finance twice between 1903 and 1918. In June 1914, when Austria-Hungary delivered the ultimatum to Serbia that started World War I, Protić drafted Serbia's reply, acting for Prime Minister Pašić, who was then away from the capital, and for Pacu, the senior minister, then in Belgrade.

      Called upon after the war to be prime minister of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Protić selected a Cabinet including representatives from all sections of the new state. He resigned on Aug. 16, 1919, but again served as prime minister from February to May 1920. Later, as minister in charge of the constituent assembly (192021), he argued for moderate decentralization and on that basis broke with the centralist Pašić and the majority of Radicals. To promote his views, which were not incorporated into the constitution of 1921, he founded the newspaper Radikal and unsuccessfully ran for Parliament as an Independent Radical in 1923.

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