Plaatje, Solomon Tshekiso

Plaatje, Solomon Tshekiso

South African writer
born 1877, Boshof, Orange Free State, S.Af.
died June 19, 1932, Kimberley?

      linguist, journalist, politician, statesman, and writer whose mind and activities ranged widely both in literary and in African affairs. His native tongue was Tswana, the chief language of Botswana, but he also learned English, Afrikaans, High Dutch, German, French, Sotho, Zulu, and Xhosa.

      Plaatje used his knowledge of languages in his various roles as war correspondent during the South African War (18991902), editor of Koranta ea Becoana (“The Tswana Gazette”) from 1901 to 1908, editor of Tsala ea Batho (“The Friend of the People”) beginning in 1912, secretary-general of the South African Native National Congress and member of subsequent delegations to Europe, and contributor to various South African English-language newspapers and British journals. He traveled in Europe, Canada, and the United States with the intent of enlightening the public on the black African's situation in South Africa.

      To preserve the traditional Bantu languages, stories, and poetry, Plaatje published his famous Sechuana Proverbs and Their European Equivalents (1916), the Sechuana Phonetic Reader (with the linguist Daniel Jones) in the same year, and the collection Bantu Folk-Tales and Poems at a later date. He also translated a number of Shakespeare's plays into Tswana. His novel Mhudi (1930), a story of love and war, is set in the 19th century. The characters are vivid and the style that of a traditional Bantu storyteller (a mixture of song and prose).

      Near the end of Plaatje's life the people of Kimberley gave him a gift of land in recognition of his outstanding public service.

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