Pindemonte, Ippolito

Pindemonte, Ippolito

Italian writer
born Nov. 13, 1753, Verona, Republic of Venice [Italy]
died Nov. 18, 1828, Verona

      Italian prose writer, translator, and poet, remembered for his pre-Romantic lyrics and particularly for his highly prized translation of the Odyssey.

      Born into a noble and cultivated family, Ippolito Pindemonte was educated at a college in Modena and then traveled in Europe. He published a volume of Arcadian verse, Le stanze (1779), and one of lyrics, Poesie campestri (1788; “Rural Poetry”). Both showed a sensitivity to nature and the influence of the contemporary English poets Thomas Gray and Edward Young. A stay in Paris inspired the poemLa Francia” (1789) and a prose satire on political conditions in Europe, Abaritte (1790). Disillusioned by the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, Pindemonte left for London, Berlin, and Vienna. On his return to Italy his Prose campestri, a companion volume to the earlier poetry, was published (1794).

      In 1805 Pindemonte began his translation of the Odyssey; it was published as Odissea (1822). Pindemonte also wrote two tragedies and some moralistic letters and sermons.

      His older brother Giovanni wrote lyric poetry and popular tragedies.

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