Perier, Casimir

Perier, Casimir

▪ French banker and statesman
born Oct. 21, 1777, Grenoble, Fr.
died May 16, 1832, Paris

      French banker and statesman who exercised a decisive influence on the political orientation of the reign of King Louis-Philippe.

      Perier was the son of a manufacturer and financier. After service with the staff of the French army in Italy (1798–1801), he returned to France and together with his brother, Antoine-Scipion, founded a new bank. By 1814 he was one of the most important bankers in Paris. In 1817 he opposed the government's policy of relying on foreign banks to finance France's war indemnity. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1817, he sat with the moderate opposition of the left.

      After the Revolution of July 1830 that overthrew Charles X and made Louis-Philippe king of the French, Perier was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies. On March 13, 1831, he became president of the council of ministers (premier) and minister of the interior. He set himself to restore order: the National Guard was brought into action against demonstrators in Paris; and later the army put down the silkworkers' insurrection in Lyon (November–December 1831). In foreign affairs he pursued an active policy: a naval squadron was dispatched to Lisbon to force the Portuguese government to compensate French merchants for damages (July 1831); he sent an army to defend Belgium against the Dutch (August 1831); and he ordered the occupation of the Adriatic port of Ancona to check Austrian predominance in the Papal States (February 1832). He had to face continual attacks from both left and right, and his authoritarian manner sometimes alienated Louis-Philippe also. He died of cholera.

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