

      rare inflammation of the perichondrium, the membrane that covers the cartilage of the outer ear (ear, human). Perichondritis may result from swimming in contaminated water or from injury. It may also follow a surgical procedure such as radical mastoidectomy, or it may occur as a complication of cauliflower ear. Symptoms include a foul-smelling greenish brown discharge from the outer ear canal, tenderness, redness, and a thickening of the outer ear. Treatment includes drainage of the accumulated pus and administration of antibiotics. Permanent deformity can result if the condition is not treated promptly.

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  • Perichondritis — Pe|ri|chon|d|ri|tis […çɔn… ], die; , …itiden (Med.): Entzündung des Perichondriums. * * * Pe|ri|chon|dri|tis [...çɔn...], die; , ...itiden (Med.): Entzündung des Perichondriums …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Perichondritis — Peri|chon|dri̱tis [zu ↑Perichondrium] w; , ...iti̱den (in fachspr. Fügungen: ...i̱tides): Knorpelhautentzündung …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • Perichondritis — Pe|ri|chon|dri|tis* [...çɔn...] die; , ...itiden <zu ↑Perichondrium u. ↑...itis> Knorpelhautentzündung (Med.) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • perichondritis — n. inflammation of cartilage and surrounding soft tissues, usually due to chronic infection. A common site is the external ear …   The new mediacal dictionary

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