Omalius d'Halloy, Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'
- Omalius d'Halloy, Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'
▪ Belgian geologist
born Feb. 16, 1783, Liège, Austrian Netherlands [now in Belgium]
died Jan. 15, 1875, Brussels
Belgian geologist who was an early proponent of evolution.
D'Omalius was educated first in Liège and afterward in Paris. While a youth he became interested in geology (over the protests of his parents) and, having an independent income, was able to devote his energies to geologic researches. As early as 1808 he communicated to the Journal des mines a paper entitled Essai sur la géologie du Nord de la France (“Essay on the Geology of the North of France”).
At his father's urging, d'Omalius took on political responsibilities and became mayor of Skeuvre in 1807, governor of the province of Namur from 1815 to 1830, and a member of the Belgian senate from 1848. He was an active member of the Belgian Academy of Sciences from 1816 and served three times as president. He was likewise president of the Geological Society of France in 1852.
In Belgium and the Rhine provinces d'
Omalius was one of the geologic pioneers in determining the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous and other rocks.
He studied also in detail the Tertiary deposits of the Paris Basin and ascertained the extent of the Cretaceous and some of the older strata,
which he for the first time clearly depicted on a map (
He was distinguished as an ethnologist,
and at nearly 90 years of age he was chosen president of the Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology (
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Halloy, Jean-Baptiste-Julien D'Omalius — • Belgian geologist, b. at Liège, Belgium, 16 February, 1783; d. at Brussels, 15 January, 1875 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'Omalius Halloy — Jean Baptiste Julien D Omalius Halloy † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jean Baptiste Julien D Omalius Halloy Belgian geologist, b. at Liège, Belgium, 16 February, 1783; d. at Brussels, 15 January, 1875. He was the only son of an ancient and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Jean Baptiste Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy — (* 16. Februar 1783 in Lüttich; † 15. Januar 1875 in Brüssel) war ein belgischer Geologe. D´Halloy stammte aus wohlhabender adliger Familie und wurde 1801 zum Studium nach Paris geschickt. Dort erwachte sein Interesse für Naturwissenschaften… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jean Baptiste Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy — (1783 1875) was a Belgian geologist. He also wrote on races. Early life and education He was born at Liège, Belgium on February 16 1783. He was the only son of an ancient and noble family, and his education was carefully directed. After… … Wikipedia
Jean-Baptiste d'Omalius — d Halloy, né à Liège le 16 février 1783 et mort le 15 janvier 1875, est un géologue belge. Sommaire 1 Biographie 1.1 Ses rôles politiques 1.2 Ses publications scie … Wikipédia en Français
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