- Ochnaceae
▪ plant familya family of the order Malpighiales, comprising 27 genera and some 495 species of tropical trees and shrubs, with a few genera of herbs. Many species are native to Brazil. The largest genus is Ouratea (including Gomphia), with about 200 species. The tropical African and Asian genus Ochna has nearly 90 species. Members of the family usually have alternate, simple leaves with closely parallel lateral veins and obvious stipules. Their flowers usually have five petals and sepals. Fun shrub, or carnival bush (Ochna multiflora), reaches 1.5 metres (5 feet) and has evergreen leaves. Its yellow, buttercup-like flowers have sepals that turn scarlet and remain after the petals fall. There are 3 to 5 projecting, jet-black fruits. Other genera have dry capsules with many seeds. Some species of Ochna and Ouratea are planted as ornamentals.
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Universalium. 2010.