Nordenflycht, Hedvig Charlotta

Nordenflycht, Hedvig Charlotta

Swedish poet
born November 28, 1718, Stockholm, Sweden
died June 29, 1763, Lugnet, near Stockholm
 Swedish poet considered to be Sweden's first feminist and remembered for her sensitive love poems. Though influenced by Enlightenment ideas, she was largely self-educated and had a distinct pietistic and sentimental side; both the intellectual and the highly emotional strain are evident in her work.

      The deaths of Nordenflycht's fiancé in 1737 and of her husband in 1741 (seven months after their marriage) inspired her earliest poems, some of which were published in Den sörjande turturduvan (1743; “The Mourning Turtledove”). Several of her poems in this volume usher in an uncompromising subjectivism previously unheard-of in Swedish literature. She settled in Stockholm and became a leading literary figure, publishing four volumes of poetry in the next six years. During the 1750s she was elected to a literary society, Tankarbyggarorden (“Order of the Thought Builders”), along with Finnish-born Gustav Philip Creutz (Creutz, Gustav Philip, Greve) and Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg (Gyllenborg, Gustaf Fredrik, Greve). The society published the three-volume anthology that resulted from their literary collaboration, Våra försök (1753, 1754, 1756; “Our Attempts”). They themselves published a thoroughly revised two-volume edition of Våra försök, entitled Witterhetsarbeten (1759, 1762; “Literary Works”). In 1761 Nordenflycht fell in love with a man much younger than herself. This love was unrequited, and her tender and controlled poems of this difficult period are considered to be her highest achievement. Her collected works were edited by Hilma Borelius in three volumes (192438).

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