

      (Hebrew:Damages”), the fourth of the six major divisions, or orders (sedarim), of the Mishna (codification of Jewish oral laws), which was given its final form early in the 3rd century AD by Judah ha-Nasi. Neziqin deals principally with legally adjudicated damages and financial questions. The 10 tractates (treatises) of Neziqin are: Bava qamma (“First Gate”), Bava metziʿa (“Middle Gate”), Bava batra (“Last Gate”), Sanhedrin (the supreme executive and legislative body), Makkot (“Stripes”), Shevuʿot (“Oaths”), ʿEduyyot (“Testimonies”), ʿAvoda zara (“Idolatry”), Avot (“Fathers”), and Horayot (“Decisions”). Both the Palestinian and the Babylonian Talmud have Gemara (critical commentaries) on all the tractates, with the exception of Avot and ʿEduyyot.

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