

also spelled  Netzahualcóyotl,  

      municipality northeast of Mexico City, México estado (“state”), central Mexico. Situated at the northeastern end of the Valle de México just outside of Mexico City, Nezahualcóyotl has become Mexico's third largest locality (after the Federal District and Guadalajara). Settlement began shortly after 1900, when Lake Texcoco (Texcoco, Lake) was reduced in size and large areas of land were uncovered along the southern shore. Although the marshy land was initially inhospitable because of periodic flooding in the summer and strong winds in the winter and spring, it became more attractive to potential colonists after the creation of new population divisions was prohibited within the Federal District, in 1946. In that same year the government built Xochiaca Dam to the north to provide flood protection in the Lake Texcoco Zone and authorized the sale of parcels of land there at very low prices. Thousands of people were attracted, but problems soon arose, as the lots were sold without provision for public services and private efforts to contract for needed services were not satisfactory. In 1958, as the population of the new colonies nearby grew rapidly and conflicts between buyers and sellers intensified, the government passed legislation requiring that any new land sales must include service arrangements. A municipal administration was solidified in 1963, when the localities of Chimalhuacan, La Pas, Texcoco, Ecatepec, and Atenco were agglomerated into the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl, with its headquarters in Ciudad de Nezahualcóyotl. The municipality is connected by highway to Mexico City, sharing several urban and suburban bus lines, and its economy is heavily dependent on the city. Pop. (1990) 1,255,456.

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Universalium. 2010.

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