Murad V

Murad V

Ottoman sultan
born Sept. 21, 1840, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Tur.]
died Aug. 29, 1904, Constantinople

      Ottoman (Ottoman Empire) sultan from May to August 1876, whose liberal disposition brought him to the throne after the deposition of his autocratic uncle Abdülaziz.

      A man of high intelligence, Murad received a good education and was widely read in both Turkish and European literature. In 1867 he accompanied Abdülaziz on his European tour and made a favourable impression; during the tour he secretly contacted exiled nationalist-liberal Young Turks, for which Abdülaziz placed him under close surveillance.

      Upon Abdülaziz' deposition by a group of ministers led by Midhat Paşa (Midhat Pasha), the great advocate of constitutional government, Murad was brought to the throne. The new sultan was determined to introduce constitutional reforms, but, under the impact of Abdülaziz' suicide and the murder of some of his key ministers, Murad suffered mental collapse. After declaration by Turkish and foreign doctors that his illness was incurable, Murad was deposed by the same men who had brought him to the throne. During the reign (18761909) of his brother Abdülhamid II, several attempts to restore him to the throne failed, and he spent the remaining years of his life confined in the Çiragan Palace.

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