Murad IV

Murad IV

Ottoman sultan
in full  Murad Oglu Ahmed I  
born July 27, 1612, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Turkey]
died February 8, 1640, Constantinople
 Ottoman (Ottoman Empire) sultan from 1623 to 1640 whose heavy-handed rule put an end to prevailing lawlessness and rebelliousness and who is renowned as the conqueror of Baghdad.

      Murad, who came to the throne at age 11, ruled for several years through the regency of his mother, Kösem (Kösem Sultan), and a series of grand viziers. Effective rule, however, remained in the hands of the turbulent spahis (spahi) (from Turkish sipahiyan, quasi-feudal cavalries) and the Janissaries (Janissary), who more than once forced the execution of high officials. Corruption of government officials and rebellion in the Asiatic provinces, coupled with an empty treasury, perpetuated the discontent against the central government.

      Embittered by the excesses of the troops, Murad was determined to restore order both in Constantinople and in the provinces. In 1632 the spahis had invaded the palace and demanded (and got) the heads of the grand vizier and 16 other high officials. Soon thereafter Murad gained full control and acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He suppressed the mutineers with a bloody ferocity. He banned the use of tobacco and closed the coffeehouses and the wineshops (no doubt as nests of sedition); violators or mere suspects were executed.

      In his foreign policy Murad took personal command in the continuing war against Iran and set out to win back territories lost to Iran earlier in his reign. Baghdad was reconquered in 1638 after a siege that ended in a massacre of garrison and citizens alike. In the following year peace was concluded.

      A man of courage, determination, and violent temperament, Murad did not follow closely the precepts of the Sharīʿah (Islamic law) and was the first Ottoman sultan to execute a shaykh al-islām (the highest Muslim dignitary in the empire). He was able to restore order, however, and to straighten out state finances. Murad's untimely death was caused by his addiction to alcohol.

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