Montherlant, Henry de

Montherlant, Henry de

French author
born April 21, 1896, Paris, Fr.
died Sept. 21, 1972, Paris

      French novelist and dramatist whose stylistically concise works reflect his own egocentric and autocratic personality.

      Montherlant was born into a noble Roman Catholic family of Catalan origin. His early works were inspired by his personal experiences: La Relève du matin (1920) evokes the intense inner life of his Catholic schooldays; and Le Songe (1922; The Dream), a semiautobiographical war novel, contrasts masculine courage and self-sacrifice with feminine sentimentality. Les Bestiaires (1926; The Bullfighters), a novel about bullfighting, records his feverish search for the peacetime equivalents of the physical excitement, heroism, and comradeship he had found at the front during his two years of service in World War I.

      Montherlant's major work of fiction is a cycle of four novels that became a succès de scandale. Written for the most part in letters, the tetralogy consists of Les Jeunes Filles and Pitié pour les femmes (both 1936; “The GirlsandPity for Women”), Le Démon du bien (1937; “The Demon of Good”), and Les Lépreuses (1939; “The Lepers”). (An English two-volume translation of the tetralogy was entitled The Girls: A Tetralogy of Novels.) This sardonic and misogynistic work describes the relationship between a libertine novelist and his adoring women victims. It exalts the pleasures of the body and of artistic creation while scornfully rejecting feminine possessiveness and sentiment. A similar arrogantly virile outlook marks Montherlant's one other novel of importance, L'Histoire d'Amour de la Rose de Sable (1954; Desert Love); this book is also highly critical of French colonial rule in North Africa.

      After 1942 Montherlant turned to the theatre with the historical drama La Reine morte. The summits of his dramatic production are Malatesta (1946), set in the Italian Renaissance; Le Maître de Santiago (1947), set in the Spanish Golden Age; Port-Royal (1954), a Jansenist drama set in a French convent at the end of the 17th century; La Ville dont le prince est un enfant (1951), set in a French Catholic college of the mid-1930s; and La Guerre civile (1965), set in Caesar's Rome. All are dramas of character whose protagonists strive to hold to their high, sometimes perilously inflated, ideals of themselves. They reveal a preoccupation with pride and self-mastery as well as a dual attraction to sensual pleasure and the more austere forms of Christianity. Montherlant was elected to the French Academy in 1960. Fearing blindness, he died by his own hand.

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