Montgomery, Lucy Maud

Montgomery, Lucy Maud

Canadian author
born Nov. 30, 1874, Clifton, P.E.I., Can.
died April 24, 1942, Toronto

      Canadian regional romantic novelist, best known for Anne of Green Gables (1908), a sentimentalized but often charming story of a spirited, unconventional orphan girl who finds a home with an elderly couple. The book drew on the author's own girlhood experiences and on the rural life and traditions of Prince Edward Island. Earlier a journalist and schoolteacher, she achieved international success with both adults and children after the publication of Anne. Six sequels, carrying Anne from girlhood to motherhood, were less successful.

Additional Reading
Irene Gammel, Looking for Anne of Green Gables (2008).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Lucy Maud Montgomery — Lucy Maud Montgomery. Lucy Maud Montgomery, (llamada Maud por su familia y amigos), públicamente conocida como L. M. Montgomery, (Isla del Príncipe Eduardo, 30 de noviembre de 1874 Toronto, 24 de abril de 1942) fue una escritora canadiense,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Lucy Maud Montgomery — CBE, (always called Maud by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (November 30, 1874 ndash;April 24, 1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.Once… …   Wikipedia

  • Lucy Maud Montgomery — Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1897 Lucy Maud Montgomery (30 novembre 1874 à Clifton (aujourd hui New London), Île du Prince Édouard 24 avril 1942 à Toronto, Ontario) est une écrivaine canadienne …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lucy Maud Montgomery — noun Canadian novelist (1874 1942) • Syn: ↑Montgomery, ↑L. M. Montgomery • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

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