Messalina Valeria

Messalina Valeria

wife of Roman emperor Claudius
Messalina also spelled  Messallina  
born before AD 20
died 48
 third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius, notorious for licentious behaviour and instigating murderous court intrigues. The great-granddaughter of Augustus's sister, Octavia, on both her father's and mother's sides, she was married to Claudius before he became emperor (39 or 40). They had two children, Octavia (later Nero's wife) and Britannicus. Early sources maintain that Messalina allied herself with Claudius's freedmen secretaries to dominate the emperor and to gratify her avarice and lust. In 42, Messalina caused Claudius to condemn to death a senator, Appius Silanus, who had slighted her advances. This heightened the tension between the emperor and Senate and prepared the way for a reign of terror in which many senators were executed after they had been denounced by Messalina. When she caused the death of Claudius's freedman secretary, Polybius, however, the other freedmen turned against her. The correspondence secretary, Narcissus, managed to have her put to death by convincing Claudius that she and her lover, the consul designate Gaius Silius, had gone through a public wedding ceremony and were plotting to seize power.

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