

▪ king of Israel
also spelled  Manahem  
flourished 8th century BC

      king of Israel whose 10-year reign was distinguished for its cruelty. Events of his rule are related in II Kings 15:14–22. In about 746 BC, Shallum ben Jabesh assassinated Zechariah, king of Israel (the northern kingdom of the Jews, as distinguished from the southern kingdom, Judah), and established his throne in the region of Samaria. One month later, Menahem advanced from his headquarters at Tirzah, the old royal city of Israel, against Shallum and killed him. Menahem assumed power but was not accepted by the district around the city of Tappuah; in revenge Menahem slaughtered the city's inhabitants, including pregnant women.

      Toward the end of Menahem's reign, the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III (identified in the Bible as King Pul) advanced against Israel; he was deterred only by a large bribe, which Menahem extorted from his wealthy subjects. Israel remained subjugated to Assyria under Menahem's son and successor, Pekahiah, who was forced to continue tribute. The 19th-century Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz speculated that Menahem introduced licentious religious rites from Assyria into Israel.

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