

Lithuanian poet
pseudonym  of Jonas Mačiulis  
born Nov. 2, 1862, Pasandravys, Lithuania, Russian Empire
died June 28, 1932, Kaunas

      poet considered to be the bard of the Lithuanian national renaissance.

      Maironis, a Roman Catholic priest, studied at the theological seminary in Kaunas and at the theological academy in St. Petersburg in 188892 and returned there as an inspector and professor of moral theology (18941909) after two more years at Kaunas. He then served as rector of the seminary in Kaunas until 1922, when he was elected professor of moral theology at the Lithuanian University.

      In his poetry Maironis expressed the hopes and aspirations of the Lithuanian people at the time of their struggle for independence. He wrote of his love for his country: its past, countryside, language, and legends. He succeeded in replacing the traditional Lithuanian syllabic verse with accentual-syllabic verse, and his sonorous, melodic poetry achieved wide popularity in his lifetime.

      All of Maironis' lyric poetry was published in the collection Pavasario balsai (1st ed., with 45 poems, 1895; 6th ed., with 131 poems, 1926; “Voices of Spring”). The first of three epic poems, Jaunoji Lietuva (1907; “Young Lithuania”), has passages of great lyric beauty. Maironis also wrote three historical dramas on the life of Vytautas the Great (13501430), grand duke of Lithuania.

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