

duke of Swabia
also spelled  Ludolf  
born 930
died Sept. 6, 957, Pombia, near Novara, Italy

      duke of Swabia and son of the Holy Roman emperor Otto I, against whom he led a revolt.

      Liudolf, Otto's son by his marriage to the English princess Eadgyth, was made duke of Swabia by his father in 950. In 952, feeling his inheritance rights threatened by Otto's second marriage (to Adelaide of Burgundy) and by the influence of his uncle, Henry, duke of Bavaria, Liudolf joined with Conrad the Red of Lotharingia and Frederick, archbishop of Mainz, to raise a rebellion in Germany. He exacted concessions from Otto in 953 and, when these were repudiated, seized the city of Regensburg and welcomed Magyar invaders into Germany. Liudolf held out until 955, when, deserted by Conrad and Frederick, he surrendered and was reconciled with his father.

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