Larionov, Mikhail Fyodorovich

Larionov, Mikhail Fyodorovich

Russian artist
born June 3 [May 22, old style], 1881, Tiraspol, near Odessa, Russia
died May 11, 1964, Paris

      Russian-born French painter and stage designer, a pioneer of pure abstraction in painting, most notably through his founding, with Natalya Goncharova, whom he later married, of the Rayonist movement (c. 1910).

      Larionov's early work was influenced by Impressionism and Symbolism, but with the paintingGlass” (1909) he introduced a nonrepresentational style conceived as a synthesis of Cubism, Futurism, and Orphism. In the Rayonist manifesto of 1913, he asserted the principle of the reduction of form in figure and landscape compositions into rays of reflected light.

      Both Larionov and Goncharova participated in the first Jack of Diamonds exhibition of avant-garde Russian art in Moscow in 1910. In 1914 they moved to Paris, where both achieved renown as designers for Sergey Diaghilev's Ballets Russes.

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