Laing, R.D.

Laing, R.D.

▪ British psychiatrist
in full  Ronald David Laing 
born October 7, 1927, Glasgow, Scotland
died August 23, 1989, Saint-Tropez, France

      British psychiatrist noted for his alternative approach to the treatment of schizophrenia.

      Laing was born into a working-class family and grew up in Glasgow. He studied medicine and psychiatry and earned a doctoral degree in medicine at the University of Glasgow in 1951. After serving as a conscript psychiatrist in the British Army (1951–52) and teaching at the University of Glasgow (1953–56), he conducted research at the Tavistock Clinic (1956–60) and at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (1960–89). He had a private practice in London.

      Throughout much of his career, Laing was interested in the underlying causes of schizophrenia. In his first book, The Divided Self (1960), he theorized that ontological insecurity (insecurity about one's existence) prompts a defensive reaction in which the self splits into separate components, thus generating the psychotic symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia. He was opposed to the standard treatments for schizophrenics, such as hospitalization and electroshock therapy. He further analyzed the inner dynamics of schizophrenia in The Self and Others (1961) and published, with Aaron Esterson, Sanity, Madness, and the Family (1964), a group of studies of people whose mental illnesses he viewed as being induced by their relationships with other family members. Laing's early approach to schizophrenia was quite controversial, and he modified some of his positions in later years. His book Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist, 1927–1957 (1985) was autobiographical.

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