Labarnas I

Labarnas I

▪ Hittite king
also spelled  Labernash  
flourished 17th century BC

      early king of the Hittite Old Kingdom in Anatolia (reigned c. 1680–c. 1650 BC). Though perhaps not the first of his line, he was traditionally regarded as the founder of the Old Kingdom (c. 1700–c. 1500)—a tradition reinforced by the use in later times of his name and that of his wife, Tawannannas, as dynastic titles or throne names of subsequent rulers. Labarnas is known chiefly from a later Hittite text called the Edict of Telipinus, which states that from his capital, Kussara, in central Anatolia, Labarnas extended his territory south to the Mediterranean coast and installed his sons as governors in a number of conquered cities, such as Tuwanuwa, Hupisna, Landa, and Lusna (perhaps the classical Tyana, Cybistra, Laranda, and Lystra). According to later sources, he also conquered Arzawa, a country southwest of the Hittite heartland. Thus, a nucleus of empire was established and bequeathed to Labarnas' son Hattusilis I.

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