Kennedy, John P.

Kennedy, John P.

American author and statesman
in full  John Pendleton Kennedy,  pseudonym  Mark Littleton 
born Oct. 25, 1795, Baltimore, Md., U.S.
died Aug. 18, 1870, Newport, R.I.

      American statesman and writer whose best remembered work was his historical fiction.

      Kennedy was admitted to the Maryland bar in 1816. From 1821 he served two terms in the Maryland House of Delegates and three terms in the U.S. Congress and was secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President Millard Fillmore. In the latter capacity, he organized Commodore Matthew Perry's trip to Japan.

      Meanwhile, using the pen name of Mark Littleton, Kennedy wrote historical novels, including Swallow Barn (1832), sketches of the post-Revolutionary life of gentlemen on Virginia plantations, and Rob of the Bowl (1838), a tale of colonial Maryland in which Protestants overthrow Roman Catholic control.

      Kennedy's major work of nonfiction is Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt (1849), about the man who was an attorney for the prosecution in the trial of Aaron Burr for treason. He also coedited the satirical magazine Red Book (181819) and wrote political articles for the National Intelligencer. His novels were his main achievement, however; although their style was imitative of the work of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, they were capably and imaginatively written.

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Universalium. 2010.

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