Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr.
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr.
▪ 2000
American publisher and public figure (
July 16,
off Martha'
s Vineyard,
was a member of the American family that to many people most resembled royalty and as such spent his entire life in the public eye.
From the time of his birth to President-
elect John F.
Kennedy and his wife,
to his poignant salute at his assassinated father'
s funeral on his third birthday and through his education,
his struggles to pass the bar exam,
his romances,
and his marriage to Carolyn Bessette in 1996 and their life together thereafter,
he was watched and reported upon almost constantly.
In 1995 Kennedy launched George, a political magazine,
with himself as editor in chief.
He also served as a patron of the arts and was on the boards of a number of charitable foundations and nonprofit organizations.
along with his wife and her sister Lauren,
died when the plane he was piloting crashed while they were en route to a cousin'
s wedding.
* * *
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KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD° — (1917–1963), 35th president of the United States. John F. Kennedy s grandfathers were both sons of Irish immigrants who rose to success in Boston Democratic politics. His father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, was a multimillionaire businessman and an… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kennedy,John Fitzgerald — Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Known as “Jack.” 1917 1963. The 35th President of the United States (1961 1963). A U.S. representative (1947 1953) and senator (1953 1960) from Massachusetts, he became the youngest man elected to the presidency (1960).… … Universalium
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald — Ken|ne|dy, John Fitz|ger|ald [ kenədi, ,dʒ197n fıts,dʒer(ə)ld ] the president of the U.S. from 1961 to 1963, who was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. He was very popular, and the youngest man ever elected president … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald — ► (1917 63) Político demócrata estadounidense. Fue presidente en 1960, sucediendo a Eisenhower. Luchó para superar la crisis económica y por la integración racial. En 1961 dio su consentimiento a la invasión de Cuba organizada por la CIA, aunque… … Enciclopedia Universal
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. — John F. Kennedy jr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (* 25. November 1960 in Washington D.C.; † 16. Juli 1999 in der Nähe von Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts), war ein US amerikanischer Jurist und Verleger. John F. Kennedy, Jr. wurde als drittes… … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Fitzgerald Kennedy — Pour les articles homonymes, voir John Kennedy (homonymie). John F. Kennedy Port … Wikipédia en Français
John Fitzgerald Kennedy — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Ehrenbürgerschaft wird nicht im Text erwähnt angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr — John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. Pour les articles homonymes, voir John Kennedy (homonymie). John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. est né le 25 novemb … Wikipédia en Français
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. — John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. Pour les articles homonymes, voir John Kennedy (homonymie). John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. est né le 25 novemb … Wikipédia en Français
John Fitzgerald — oder John FitzGerald ist der Name folgender Personen: John Fitzgerald (Lord Mayor), Oberbürgermeister von Newcastle upon Tyne, England John Fitzgerald (Langstreckenläufer) (1886–1963), kanadischer Olympiateilnehmer 1908 John Fitzgerald (Dichter)… … Deutsch Wikipedia