Joveynī, ʿAṭā Malek

Joveynī, ʿAṭā Malek

Persian historian
more complete name ʿalāʾ Od-dīn ʿaṭā Malek Joveynī, also spelled ʿala Ad-dīn ʿaṭā Malek Juwaynī
born 1226, Joveyn, Khorāsān
died 1283, Azerbaijan

      Persian historian. Joveynī was the first of several brilliant representatives of Persian historiography who flourished during the period of Mongol domination in Iran (12201336).

      Born into a well-known and highly respected family of governors and civil servants, Joveynī gained knowledge of the workings of Mongol administrative machinery from his father and visited the Mongol Great Khan's court in Central Asia on two occasions, in 124951 and in 125153. Early in 1256 he entered the service of Hülegü, the grandson of Genghis Khan. After the fall of Baghdad in 1258, Joveynī was appointed governor of Iraq and Khūzistān, a position he held for more than two decades. On the death of Hülegü, in 1265, he fell from favour and lost much of his former influence. Joveynī's magnum opus, the Tārīkh-i jehān-gushā (A History of the World Conqueror, 2 vol., 1958), is one of the most important works of Persian historiography. Begun in 125253, the history includes sections on the Mongols' two principal Muslim enemies, the Khwārezm-Shāhs (9951231) and the Ismāʿīlīs of Alamūt (10901256), as well as material on Genghis Khan and his successors up to the year 1256. In the compilation of this work, Joveynī drew upon his personal experiences in addition to written sources, many of which have since been lost. Written in an ornate and learned style, the Tārīkh-i jehān-gushā became a model of style and was emulated by later historians, thus gaining a position in Persian literary history as well.

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