Jenatsch, Georg

Jenatsch, Georg

Swiss political leader

born 1596, Samaden, Grisons, Switz.
died Jan. 24, 1639, Chur
 Swiss political and military leader of the Grisons (now Graubünden, the most easterly of Swiss cantons) during the complex struggles of the Thirty Years' War.

      The son of the Protestant vicar of Samaden, Jenatsch became vicar of Scharans in 1617. Ambition and thirst for action led him into politics. The Grisons were loosely attached to the Swiss Confederation and at that time controlled the Valtellina with its roads and passes, a region over which the Spaniards (from their duchy of Milan), the Austrian Habsburgs, France, and Venice all sought paramount influence. Opposing the Spaniards, he narrowly escaped the bloodbath of July 1923, 1620, in which over 300 Protestants perished. He left the priesthood, murdered (Feb. 25, 1621) the head of the Spanish party, Pompeius Planta, and had to flee abroad. In 1624 he achieved a French-Grisons alliance, which led to the expulsion of the Spaniards and Austrians from the Grisons. After the Franco-Spanish Treaty of Mozon (1626), however, the Valtellina was virtually abandoned to Spain; Jenatsch took service with Venice, while the Austrians reconquered the Grisons (162931). In 1631 Jenatsch successfully assisted Henri, Duke de Rohan, who had been dispatched to the Grisons by Cardinal de Richelieu; but then Jenatsch negotiated with Austria and Spain (he had turned Roman Catholic in 1635) and established himself as a ruthless dictator in the Grisons. He resumed contact with the French when the Spaniards refused to cede the Valtellina. Suspected by all, he fell victim to a vendetta of the Planta family and was assassinated.

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