Jacob Joseph Of Polonnoye
- Jacob Joseph Of Polonnoye
▪ Polish rabbi
in full Jacob Joseph Ben Tzevi Ha-kohen Katz Of Polonnoye
died c. 1782
rabbi and preacher, the first theoretician and literary propagandist of Jewish Ḥasidism.
Jacob Joseph was a rabbi in the large Jewish community at Shargorod,
in Podolia;
after he came under the influence of the Baʿal Shem Ṭov,
the founder of Ḥasidism,
he was expelled (
c. 1748)
from Shargorod.
He was subsequently rabbi of Rashkov,
and ultimately Polonnoye,
where he remained until his death.
As a writer, he contributed significantly to the spread of Ḥasidism. His first and main work was the controversial Toldot Yaʿaqov Yosef (1780; “History of Jacob Joseph”), which not only related the teachings of the Baʿal Shem Ṭov but also criticized traditional Jewish leadership and values. The work thus provoked anti-Ḥasidic sentiment and was burned by some opponents of the movement. Other works include homilies and commentary on books of the Bible, including Ben Porat Yosef (1781; “Joseph Is a Fruitful Vine”) on Genesis; Ẓefenat Paʾneʾaḥ (1782) on Exodus; and Ketonet Passim (“Coat of Many Colours”) on Leviticus and Numbers.
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