Imād ad-Dawlahʿ

Imād ad-Dawlahʿ

Būyid ruler
also called ʿalī Ibn Būyeh
born 892
died 949

      one of the founders of the Būyid dynasty of Iran. ʿAlī and his brothers Aḥmad and Ḥasan were followers of Mardāvīz ebn Zeyār of northern Iran. In 934 ʿAlī revolted against local Zeyārid (Zeyārid Dynasty) rulers and conquered Fārs province in southern Iran. He made Shīrāz his capital, ruling there until his death. After Aḥmad established control over the ʿAbbāsid caliphate in Baghdad in 946, ʿAlī assumed the dynastic title ʿImād ad-Dawlah.

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