ibn Tibbon, Samuel ben Judah

ibn Tibbon, Samuel ben Judah

Jewish physician and translator
born c. 1150, , Lunel, Fr.
died c. 1230, , Marseille

      Jewish translator and physician whose most significant achievement was an accurate and faithful rendition from the Arabic into Hebrew of Maimonides' classic Dalālat al-ḥāʾirīn (Hebrew More nevukhim; English The Guide of the Perplexed).

      From his father, Judah ben Saul ibn Tibbon, Samuel received a thorough grounding in medicine, Jewish law and lore, and Arabic. Like his father, Samuel earned his living as a physician; he also travelled extensively in France, Spain, and Egypt.

      After corresponding with Maimonides to elucidate difficult passages in the Guide, in about 1190 Samuel published his translation. This work, which interprets scripture and rabbinic theology in the light of Aristotelian philosophy, has influenced both Jewish and Christian theologians. In the translating process, he enriched the Hebrew language through the borrowing of Arabic words and the adoption of the Arabic practice of forming verbs from substantives.

      He also translated Maimonides' treatise on resurrection and his commentary on Pirqe avot (“Sayings of the Fathers”), which appears in the Talmud; in addition, he translated the works of several Arabic commentators on the writings of Aristotle and Galen. Samuel ibn Tibbon was the father of the eminent translator Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon.

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