

also called  Polyhydramnios,  

      excess of amniotic fluid, the liquid that surrounds the fetus in the uterus. Chronic hydramnios, in which fluid accumulates slowly, is fairly common, occurring as often as once in 200 or 300 deliveries. Acute hydramnios, in which fluids collect quickly and cause rapid distention of the uterus, is rare. Hydramnios is more frequent among women who have had a number of pregnancies or who are diabetic. The chronic form of the disorder causes discomfort from enlargement of the abdomen; it also causes difficulty in breathing and collection of fluid (edema) in the legs. Acute hydramnios causes abdominal pain, severe difficulty in breathing, and edema in the legs, the vulva (external female genital organs), and the lower part of the abdomen. There may be abnormally rapid heartbeat, interference with heart function, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and abnormally frequent urination. If the hydramnios is mild, no treatment may be necessary. If it is severe, removal of excess fluid or even termination of pregnancy may be required.

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Universalium. 2010.

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