Hogendorp, Dirk van

Hogendorp, Dirk van

Dutch statesman
born Oct. 13, 1761, Hoenvliet, Neth.
died Oct. 29, 1822, Rio de Janeiro

      Dutch statesman and official of the Dutch East (Dutch East Indies) India Company who tried to incorporate the liberal ideas of the French Revolution into Dutch colonial policy and thereby stimulated wide controversy.

      Trained as a soldier, van Hogendorp went to the Indies in 1783 on a naval expedition, and three years later he was hired by the Dutch East India Company as a commercial agent in Patna, India, where he became familiar with the British system of direct administration and taxation during his two-year stay. His liberal ideas aroused the displeasure of the Indies governor-general, Sebastian Nederburgh (Nederburgh, Sebastian Cornelius), who imprisoned him in 1798. He escaped to the Netherlands, where the publication of his pamphlet Report on Conditions in the Batavian Possessions in East India caused a sensation. His report shocked many Dutchmen because of its suggestion that the Indonesians were guided by the same economic principles as those of Europeans.

      At that time, the company had only just turned the Indies over to the Dutch government, which then had to formulate a colonial policy. Van Hogendorp was put on the committee charged with drawing up a new charter, but his ideas were overruled by the other, conservative committee members.

      Van Hogendorp continued his career in the Dutch state department until Napoleon annexed the Netherlands in 1810, when he went to France as an aide to Napoleon. After Napoleon's fall (1815), he went to Brazil to recoup his fortunes but died impoverished.

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