

▪ Carthaginian explorer
flourished 5th century BC

      like Hanno, a Carthaginian explorer of the 5th century BC, mentioned first by Pliny the Elder (1st century AD). Hanno explored the coast of Africa, while Himilco sailed north from Gades (present-day Cadiz, Spain) for four months. Historians differ on whether he reached Brittany or discovered the Sargasso Sea.

▪ Carthaginian general
died 395 BC

      Carthaginian general who twice made conquests of the Greeks in Sicily that brought him to the gates of Syracuse and twice had his momentum broken by plague among his soldiers.

      In the first campaign (406 BC), Himilco's army conquered and sacked Acragas, Gela, and Camarina. An epidemic among his troops, however, led him to sign a peace treaty in 405 BC with Dionysius I, the Syracusan tyrant. This treaty left Carthage in control of most of Sicily. In 398 Dionysius attacked the Carthaginian positions in Sicily. Himilco returned to Sicily in 396, conquering the north coast and arriving once more at the gates of Syracuse, only to have the plague break the health and morale of his soldiers. The Syracusans counterattacked and completely defeated Himilco's army. He returned home and committed suicide.

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