

Japanese ruler
also spelled  Pimiko,  also called  Yamatohime No Mikoto  
flourished 3rd century AD, Japan

      first known ruler of Japan and the supposed originator of the Grand Shrine of Ise, still considered the most important Shintō sanctuary in Japan.

      According to Japanese legend, Himiko was the daughter of the emperor Suinin (fl. 1st century BC1st century AD), who gave her custody of the sacred mirror, symbol of the sun goddess. In 5 BC she supposedly enshrined the mirror at Ise, a city of present Mie Prefecture.

      Chinese historical records, considered more accurate than contemporary Japanese accounts, confirm the existence of an unmarried queen named Himiko but place her in the early 3rd century AD. According to some sources, she ruled an area referred to as Yamatai, the location of which remains in dispute. The characters used to represent the name Himiko meansun child,” orsun daughterin archaic Japanese, and it is interesting to note that later Japanese rulers claimed to be descendants of the sun goddess. That Himiko seems to have had dual status as both a ruler and a kind of high priestess corroborates the theory that early Japan was governed by women with religious powers.

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