hieroglyphic writing

hieroglyphic writing


      a system that employs characters in the form of pictures. These individual signs, called hieroglyphs (hieroglyph), may be read either as pictures, as symbols for pictures, or as symbols for sounds.

      The name hieroglyphic (from the Greek word forsacred carving”) is first encountered in the writings of Diodorus Siculus (1st century BCE). Earlier, other Greeks had spoken of sacred signs when referring to Egyptian (Egyptian language) writing. Among the Egyptian scripts, the Greeks labeled as hieroglyphic the script that they found on temple walls and public monuments, in which the characters were pictures sculpted in stone. The Greeks distinguished this script from two other forms of Egyptian writing that were written with ink on papyrus or on other smooth surfaces. These were known as the hieratic (hieratic script), which was still employed during the time of the ancient Greeks for religious texts, and the demotic (demotic script), the cursive script used for ordinary documents.

      Hieroglyphic, in the strict meaning of the word, designates only the writing on Egyptian monuments (art and architecture, Egyptian). The word has, however, been applied since the late 19th century to the writing of other peoples, insofar as it consists of picture signs used as writing characters. For example, the name hieroglyphics is always used to designate the monumental inscriptions of the Indus civilization and of the Hittites (Hittite), who also possessed other scripts, in addition to the Mayan (Mayan hieroglyphic writing), the Incan, and Easter Island writing forms and also the signs on the Phaistos Disk on Crete.

      Because of their pictorial form, hieroglyphs were difficult to write and were used only for monument inscriptions. They were usually supplemented in the writing of a people by other, more convenient scripts. Among living writing systems, hieroglyphic scripts are no longer used.

      This article is concerned only with Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

Development of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing
      The most ancient hieroglyphs date from the end of the 4th millennium BCE and comprise annotations incised onto pottery jars and ivory plaques deposited in tombs, presumably for the purpose of identification of the dead. Although by no means can all of these earliest signs be read today, it is nonetheless probable that these forms are based on the same system as the later classical hieroglyphs. In individual cases, it can be said with certainty that it is not the copied object that is designated but rather another word phonetically similar to it. This circumstance means that hieroglyphs were from the very beginning phonetic symbols. An earlier stage consisting exclusively of picture writing using actual illustrations (drawing) of the intended words cannot be shown to have existed in Egypt; indeed, such a stage can with great probability be ruled out. No development from pictures to letters took place; hieroglyphic writing was never solely a system of picture writing. It can also be said with certainty that the jar marks (signs on the bottom of clay vessels) that occur at roughly the same period do not represent a primitive form of the script. Rather, these designs developed in parallel fashion to hieroglyphic writing and were influenced by it.

      It is not possible to prove the connection of hieroglyphs to the cuneiform characters used by the Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia. Such a relationship is improbable because the two scripts are based on entirely different systems. What is conceivable is a general tendency toward words being fixed by the use of signs, without transmission of particular systems.

Invention and uses of hieroglyphic writing
      The need to identify a pictorial representation with a royal individual or a specific, unique event, such as a hunt or a particular battle, led to the application of hieroglyphic writing to a monumental context. Hieroglyphs added to a scene signified that this illustration represented a particular war rather than an unspecified one or war in general; the writing reflected a new attitude toward time and a view of history as unique events in time. Beginning in the 1st dynasty (c. 2925c. 2775 BCE), images of nonroyal persons were also annotated with their names or titles, a further step toward expressing individuality and uniqueness. The so-called annalistic ivory tablets of the first two dynasties were pictorial representations of the events of a year with specifically designated personal (seal) names, places, and incidents. For example, accompanying a scene of the pharaoh's triumph over his enemies is the annotationthe first occasion of the defeat of the Libyans.” Simultaneously, the writing of the Egyptians began to appear unaccompanied by pictorial representations, especially on cylinder seals (cylinder seal). These roller-shaped incised stones were rolled over the moist clay of jar stoppers. Their inscription prevented the sealed jar from being covertly opened and at the same time described its contents and designated the official responsible for it. In the case of wine, its origin from a specific vineyard and often also the destination of the shipment were designated, and, as a rule, so was the name of the reigning king.

      From the stone inscriptions of the 1st dynasty, only individual names are known, these being mainly the names of kings. In the 2nd dynasty, titles and names of offerings appear, and, at the end of this dynasty, sentences occur for the first time. The discovery of a blank papyrus scroll in the grave of a high official, however, shows that longer texts could have been written much earlieri.e., since the early part of the 1st dynasty.

Relationship of writing (calligraphy) and art
      The form of these hieroglyphs of the Archaic period (the 1st to 2nd dynasty) corresponds exactly to the art style of this age. Although definite traditions or conventions were quickly formed with respect to the choice of perspectivee.g., a hand was depicted only as a palm, an eye or a mouth inscribed only in front viewthe proportions remained flexible. The prerequisite of every writing system is a basic standardization, but such a standardization is not equivalent to a canon (an established body of rules and principles) in the degree of stylistic conformity that it requires. A recognized canon of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing arose in the 3rd dynasty and was maintained until the end of the use of the script.

      In that hieroglyphic signs represented pictures of living beings or inanimate objects, they retained a close connection to the fine arts. The same models formed the basis of both writing and art, and the style of the writing symbols usually changed with the art style. This correspondence occurred above all because the same craftsmen painted or incised both the writing symbols and the pictures. Deviations from the fine arts occurred when the writing, which was more closely bound to convention, retained patterns that the fine arts had eliminated. The face in front view is an example of this. This representation, apart from very special instances, was eventually rejected as an artistic form, the human face being shown only in profile. The front view of the face was, however, retained as a hieroglyph from the Archaic period to the end of the use of hieroglyphic writing. Similar cases involve the depiction of various tools and implements. Although some of the objects themselves fell out of use in the course of historye.g., the general use of clubs as weaponstheir representations, mainly misunderstood, were preserved in the hieroglyphic script. The hieroglyphs corresponding to objects that had disappeared from daily life were therefore no longer well known and were occasionally distorted beyond recognition. But the style of representation in the hieroglyphs still remained closely bound to the art of the respective epoch. Thus, there appeared taut, slender hieroglyphic forms or sensuous, fleshy ones or even completely bloated characters, according to the art style of the period.

Media for hieroglyphic writing
      In historical times (2800 BCE300 CE), hieroglyphic writing was used for inscribing stone monuments and appears in Egyptian relief techniques, both high relief and bas-relief; in painted form; on metal, sometimes in cast form and sometimes incised; and on wood. In addition, hieroglyphs appear in the most varied kinds of metal and wood inlay work. All these applications correspond exactly with the techniques used in fine art.

      Hieroglyphic texts are found primarily on the walls of temples and tombs, but they also appear on memorials and gravestones, on statues, on coffins, and on all sorts of vessels and implements. Hieroglyphic writing was used as much for secular textshistorical inscriptions, songs, legal documents, scientific documentsas for religious subject mattercult rituals, myths, hymns, grave inscriptions of all kinds, and prayers. These inscriptions were, of course, only a decorative monumental writing, unsuitable for everyday purposes. For popular use, hieratic script was developed, an abbreviated form of the picture symbols such as would naturally develop in writing with brush and ink on smooth surfaces such as papyrus, wood, and limestone.

Writing and religion (Egyptian religion)
      The influence of religious concepts upon hieroglyphic writing is attested in at least two common usages. First, in the 3rd millennium, certain signs (symbol) were avoided or were used in garbled form in grave (death rite) inscriptions for fear that the living beings represented by these signs could harm the deceased who lay helpless in the grave. Among these taboo symbols were human figures and dangerous animals, such as scorpions and snakes. Second, in all periods and for all uses of the writing, symbols (iconography) to which a positive religious significance was attached were regularly placed in front of other signs, even if they were to be read after them. Among these were hieroglyphs for God or individual gods as well as those for the king or the palace. Thus, for example, the two signs , denoting the word combinationservant of God” (priest), are written so that the symbol for God, , stands in front of that for servant, , although the former is to be read last. Moreover, theology traced the invention of hieroglyphic writing back to the god Thoth, although this myth of its divine origin did not have an effect on the development of the script. In the late period, Egyptian texts referred to hieroglyphic inscriptions aswriting of God's words”; earlier, in contrast, they were simply calledpictures.”

Literacy and knowledge of hieroglyphic writing
      At all periods only a limited circle understood the hieroglyphic script. Only those who needed the knowledge in their professions acquired the arts of writing and reading. These people were, for example, officials and priests (insofar as they had to be able to read rituals and other sacred texts), as well as craftsmen whose work included the making of inscriptions. Under Greek and especially under Roman rule, the knowledge declined and was entirely confined to temples where priests instructed their pupils in the study of hieroglyphic writing. From the time of the rule of the Ptolemies (305 to 30 BCE), national consciousness (nationalism) became more and more narrowly bound up with religion, and the tradition-filled hieroglyphic writing was an outward sign of pharaonic civilizationin the fullest sense, a symbol. There was no lack of attempts to replace the hieroglyphic writing, cumbersome and ever more divergent from the spoken language, with the simpler and more convenient Greek script. Such experiments, however, remained ineffective precisely because of the emotional value that the old writing system had when the country was under the foreign domination of the Macedonian Greeks and the Romans.

Christianity and the Greek alphabet
      The situation was altered with the conversion of Egypt to Christianity in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. The new religion fought against the Egyptian polytheism and traditions, and with its victory the Greek script triumphed. From the beginning, Egyptian Christians used the Greek alphabet for writing their spoken Egyptian language. This practice involved enlarging the Greek alphabet with seven supplementary letters for Egyptian sounds not present in Greek. As a consequence, the knowledge of hieroglyphic writing quickly declined. The last datable evidence of the writing system is a graffito from the island of Philae, from Aug. 24, 394, during the reign of the emperor Theodosius I. The language, as well as the writing system, of the Egyptian Christians (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria) is called Coptic (Coptic language).

Characteristics of hieroglyphic writing
      The hieroglyphic writing system consists almost entirely of signs that represent recognizable objects in the natural or constructed world, and these can be grouped into three categories. The first is the logogram, in which a word is written (and read) by means of a single sign, providing both sound and meaning in itself. Ideograms can be read as the object they represent, such as , “wood, stick,” or can have extended meanings, such as the sun disk, , which can be understood assun or (the solar god) Re” (in its phonetic readingday” (read as H + r + w).

      The second category is the phonogram, which represents a sound (or series of sounds) in the language. This group includes not only simple phonemes, which usually derive from logograms of the objects they depict but which acquired purely phonetic character, but also a much larger corpus of biliteral and triliteral signs (that is, signs that denote two or three sounds). Biliterals and triliterals, as well as logograms themselves, are often accompanied by the simple phonetic signs as a reading aid.

      The third category of signs consists of determinatives, which carry no phonetic significance but are employed to specify meaning and assist in word division. For example, the phonetic writing p + r + t can signify the infinitive of the verbto go,” the name of the winter season, or the word forfruit, seed.” The meaning of the word is signaled by a terminal determinative that also acts as a word marker: the walking legs (), the sun disk (), or the pellet sign (°), respectively. Generic determinatives are those that are denoting walking, running, or movement; the man with a hand to his mouth signifies words for eating, drinking, feeling, and perception; and the book roll is used for nouns pertaining to books, writing, and abstract concepts.

      Egyptian inscriptions usually employed a combination of all three categories of signs, with liberal allowance for variation in spelling and in the grouping of signs. Egyptian generally avoided the writing of vowels aside from the semivowels i, y, and w; thus, the hieroglyphic system represents for the most part only the consonants of words. Pronunciation of Egyptian, therefore, is imperfectly reflected in the hieroglyphic writing system.

Number of symbols (symbol)
      In the classical period of Egyptian writing, the number of hieroglyphs totaled approximately 700. Their number multiplied considerably in the late period (which began about 600 BCE); this proliferation occurred because scholars began to invent new forms or signs. The additional hieroglyphs were, however, always in accordance with the principles that had governed Egyptian writing from its beginnings. The hieroglyphic system remained flexible throughout all periods, always open to innovation, even though, as with every writing system, convention played a preponderant role.

Direction of writing
      Hieroglyphic inscriptions were preferentially written from right to left, with the direction of reading indicated by the orientation of the signs, which normally face toward the beginning of the text. The right-to-left orientation in writing was scrupulously observed in the cursive form of the script, called hieratic (see below). Reversals of orientation in the writing of individual signs are relatively rare and were incorporated for either religious or decorative purposes.

      Because Egyptian monuments were decorated according to strict conventions of symmetry, temples and tombs are usually adorned with hieroglyphic texts that face in both directions, to provide a visual sense of axial balance. Inscriptions could be written either in horizontal rows or in vertical columns, a feature that was ideally suited for the decoration of monumental walls, doorways, and lintels. In two-dimensional scenes containing human or divine figures, hieroglyphic texts are closely associated with the figures to which they pertain. That is, the identifying name, epithet, and utterance of an individual are oriented in the same direction in which the figure itself faces. And as one might expect for a distinctly pictorial script, the preferential right-to-left orientation of the Egyptian writing system had an effect on the development of three-dimensional art as well. For example, the striding male stance used for statuary requires that the left foot be placed forward, a visual pose that derives from the prescribed stance of the human hieroglyphic figure in preferred right-oriented inscriptions.

Cryptographic hieroglyphic writing
      That knowledge of the hieroglyphic system and the principles upon which it was devised had not become diluted with time is attested by two phenomena: cryptography and the development of the hieroglyphic writing during the last millennium of its existence. From the middle of the 3rd millennium but more frequently in the New Kingdom (from c. 1539 to c. 1075 BCE), hieroglyphic texts are encountered that have a very strange appearance. The absence of familiar word groups and the presence of many signs not found in the canon characterize these texts at first glance as cryptographic, or encoded, writing. This kind of hieroglyphic writing was probably intended as an eye-catcher, to entice people to seek the pleasure of deciphering it. Composed according to the original principles of the script, these inscriptions differed only in that certain features excluded when the original canon was formulated were now exploited. The new possibilities involved not only the forms of the signs but also their selection. For example, the mouth was not drawn in front view (), as in the classical script, but in profile (), although it had the same phonetic value. An example of a change in the choice of signs is the case in which a man carrying a basket on his head (), a determinative without phonetic value in the classical script, was later to be read as f and was used in lieu of the familiar sign having this phonetic value, that of the horned viper. In the new selection of the sign, the phonetic value is obtained from the word f + š + to carry” (neglecting its two weak consonants), in accordance with a principle that the inventors of the writing had applied in 3000 BCE. These cryptographic inscriptions prove that alongside the method of instruction in the schools, which was based on memorization or recognition, not upon analytical understanding, there was another tradition that transmitted knowledge of the basic principles of the hieroglyphic script. A command of the principles of hieroglyphics similar to that which the composers of the cryptic inscriptions had was presupposed for the puzzle-happy decipherers.

The later development of hieroglyphic writing
      About the middle of the 1st millennium BCE, Egyptian writing experienced new developments and a revival of interest. Again the inscriptions abounded with new signs and sign groups unknown in the classical period, all generated according to the same principles as the classical Egyptian script and the cryptographic texts. The writing of this late period was distinguished from the cryptograms in that this script, like every normal system of writing, developed a fixed tradition, being intended not to conceal but to be read easily, whereas the cryptography strove for originality.

      The development of hieroglyphic writing thus proceeded approximately as follows: at first only the absolutely necessary symbols were invented, without a canonization of their artistic form. In a second stage, easier readability (i.e., increased rapidity of reading) was achieved by increasing the number of signs (thereby eliminating some doubts) and by employing determinatives. Finally, after the second stage had endured, essentially unaltered, for about 2,000 years, the number of symbols increased to several thousand about 500 BCE. This rampant growth process occurred through the application of hitherto unused possibilities of the system. With the triumph of Christianity, the knowledge of hieroglyphic writing was extinguished along with the ancient Egyptian religion.

Tools (tool)
      The tools used by the craftsmen for writing hieroglyphic symbols consisted of chisels and hammers for stone inscriptions and brushes and colours for wood and other smooth surfaces. A modified form of hieroglyphic writing (called cursive hieroglyphs), in which certain details of the monumental signs were abbreviated, was used for the decorative and minor artsthat is, for inscriptions chased into metals, incised in wood, or lavishly painted onto papyrus. Only for the truly cursive scripts, hieratic and demotic, were special materials developed. Leather and papyrus became writing surfaces, and the stems of rushes in lengths of 6 to 13 inches (15 to 33 cm), cut obliquely at the writing end and chewed to separate the fibres into a brushlike tip, functioned as writing implements. The split calamus reed used as a writing implement was introduced into Egypt by the Greeks in the 3rd century BCE.

      The Egyptian cursive script, called hieratic writing, received its name from the Greek hieratikos (“priestly”) at a time during the late period when the script was used only for sacred texts, whereas everyday secular documents were written in another style, the demotic script (from Greek dēmotikos, “for the peopleorin common use”). Hieratic, the cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphs, was in fact employed throughout the pharaonic period for administrative and literary purposes, as a faster and more convenient method of writing; thus, its Greek designation is a misnomer.

      The structure of the hieratic script corresponds with that of hieroglyphic writing. Changes occurred in the characters of hieratic simply because they could be written rapidly with brush or rush and ink on papyrus. Often the original pictorial form is not, or not easily, recognizable. Because their models were well known and in current use throughout Egyptian history, the hieratic symbols never strayed too far from them. Nevertheless, the system differs from the hieroglyphic script in some important respects:
Hieratic was written in one direction only, from right to left. In earlier times the lines were arranged vertically and later, about 2000 BCE, horizontally. Subsequently the papyrus scrolls were written in columns of changing widths.
There were ligatures in hieratic so that two or more signs could be written in one stroke.
As a consequence of its decreased legibility, the spelling of the hieratic script tended to be more rigid and more complete than that of hieroglyphic writing. Variations from uniformity at a given time were minor; but, during the course of the various historical periods, the spelling developed and changed. As a result, hieratic texts do not correspond exactly to contemporary hieroglyphic texts, either in the placing of signs or in the spelling of words.
Hieratic used diacritical additions to distinguish between two signs that had grown similar to one another because of cursive writing. For example, the cow's leg received a supplementary distinguishing cross, because in hieratic it had come to resemble the sign for a human leg. Certain hieratic signs were taken into the hieroglyphic script.

      All commonplace documents (diplomatics)—e.g., letters, catalogs, and official writswere written in hieratic script, as were literary and religious texts. In the life of the Egyptians, hieratic script played a larger role than hieroglyphic writing and was taught earlier in the schools. In offices, hieratic was replaced by demotic (demotic script) in the 7th century BCE, but it remained in fashion until much later for religious texts of all sorts. The latest hieratic texts stem from the end of the 1st century or the beginning of the 2nd century CE.

Demotic script
      Demotic script is first encountered at the beginning of the 26th dynasty, about 660 BCE. The writing signs plainly demonstrate its connection with the hieratic script, although the exact relationship is not yet clear. It appears that demotic was originally developed expressly for government office usethat is, for documents in which the language was extensively formalized and thus well suited for the use of a standardized cursive script. Only some time after its introduction was demotic used for literary texts in addition to documents and letters; much later it was employed for religious texts as well. The latest dated demotic text, from Dec. 2, 425, consists of a rock inscription at Philae. In contrast to hieratic, which is almost without exception written in ink on papyrus or other flat surfaces, demotic inscriptions are not infrequently found engraved in stone or carved in wood.

      The demotic system corresponds to the hieratic and hence ultimately to the hieroglyphic system. Alongside the traditional spelling, however, there was another spelling that took account of the markedly altered phonetic form of the words by appropriate respelling. This characteristic applied especially to a large number of words that did not occur in the older language and for which no written form had consequently been passed down. The nontraditional spelling could also be used for old, familiar words.

Decipherment of hieroglyphic writing
      With the possible exception of Pythagoras, no Greek (ancient Greek civilization) whose writings have survived seems to have understood the nature of hieroglyphic writing, nor did the Greeks obtain guidance from their Egyptian contemporaries. Rather, the Greek tradition taught that hieroglyphs were symbolic signs or allegories. The Egyptian-born Greek philosopher Plotinus interpreted hieroglyphic writing entirely from the viewpoint of his esoteric philosophy. Only one of the numerous works on the hieroglyphic script written in late antiquity has been preserved: the Hieroglyphica of Horapollon, a Greek Egyptian who probably lived in the 5th century CE. Horapollon made use of a good source, but he himself certainly could not read hieroglyphic writing and began with the false hypothesis of the Greek traditionnamely, that hieroglyphs were symbols and allegories, not phonetic signs.

      The Middle Ages neither possessed any knowledge of hieroglyphic writing nor took any interest in it. But a manuscript of Horapollon brought to Florence in 1422 stirred great interest among the humanists (humanism). Apparently without realizing that ancient Egyptian originals might be available in Rome, Renaissance artists designed hieroglyphs after Horapollon's descriptions, as well as from their own imaginations. They used hieroglyphs as wisdom-laden symbols in architecture and also in drawings and paintings.

Kircher's attempts at decipherment
      The great German scholar Athanasius Kircher (Kircher, Athanasius) (160280) began his attempts at decipherment with the Coptic language and with the correct hypothesis that the hieroglyphs recorded an earlier stage of this language. He also believed, again correctly, that the signs recorded phonetic values. In spite of this, he did not arrive at correct resultswith the exception of a single character. This failure can be attributed not only to Kircher's erroneous assumption that the hieroglyphs must correspond phonetically to an alphabet but primarily to the fact that he was most interested in the Renaissance conception of a supposed symbolic meaning constituting the deeper significance of hieroglyphs. In his view the phonetic value of the hieroglyphs was merely the commonplace, superficial part of the sign.

Discovery of the Rosetta Stone
 Both the intellectual and the physical prerequisites for the decipherment of the hieroglyphic script first presented themselves at the end of the 18th century. By accident, a stone that exhibited three different scriptshieroglyphic, demotic, and Greekwas discovered by members of Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1799 near Rashīd (French: Rosette; English: Rosetta) on the Mediterranean coast. The Greek text stated clearly that the document set forth the same text in the sacred script, the folk or popular script, and Greek. The stone was promptly made known to all interested scholars. Important partial successes in the effort of decipherment were achieved by the Swede Johan David Åkerblad and by the English physicist Thomas Young (Young, Thomas), who mainly studied the demotic text, again beginning with the false hypothesis that the hieroglyphs were symbols. Young succeeded in proving that they were not symbolsat least that the proper names were notand that the demotic and hieratic signs had come from the hieroglyphs. (He first published this result in the supplement to the 4th, 5th, and 6th editions of the Encyclopædia Britannica.) He was the first to isolate correctly some single-consonant hieroglyphic signs. But a wrong turn in the course of his investigations then prevented him from fully deciphering the writing.

Champollion's decipherment
      This task of complete decipherment was first accomplished by the Frenchman Jean-François Champollion (Champollion, Jean-François) (17901832) in 1822, after long years of intensive work and many setbacks. His success was due to the recognition that hieroglyphic writing, exactly like the hieratic and demotic scripts derived from it, did not constitute a writing system of symbols but rather a phonetic script. He arrived at this breakthrough by an exact comparison of the three Egyptian forms of writing, as well as by reference to Coptic, the late phase of the Egyptian language that was written with the Greek alphabet and was thus directly readable. The Coptic language was also understood at that time. Starting, as had his predecessors, from Ptolemy and Cleopatra, both ring-enclosed royal names, and adding the hieroglyphic spelling of Ramses' name, Champollion determined, essentially correctly, the phonetic values of the signs. Soon after, he also learned to read and translate a large number of Egyptian words. Since then, precise research has confirmed and refined Champollion's approach and most of his results.

Hellmut Brunner Peter F. Dorman

Additional Reading
Books in English on hieroglyphic writing include Sir Alan Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs, 3rd ed., rev. (1957, reprinted 1988), still useful, with a list of hieroglyphs from the Middle Kingdom; Werner Forman and Stephen Quirke, Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt (1996), a richly photographed work that puts the sources into context; James P. Allen, Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs (2000), which has become a standard text; and Boyo Ockinga, A Concise Grammar of Middle Egyptian, 2nd rev. ed., revised and expanded by Hellmut Brunner (2005).Shorter introductions to the hieroglyphic writing system and Egyptian grammar can be found in W.V. Davies, Egyptian Hieroglyphs (1987); Henry George Fischer, Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy: A Beginner's Guide to Writing Hieroglyphs, 4th ed. (1999); Mark Collier and Bill Manley, How to Read Hieroglyphs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself, rev. ed. (2003); and Karl-Theodor Zauzich, Hieroglyphs Without Mystery, 6th ed., translated by Ann Macy Roth (2004; first published in German, 1980).Peter F. Dorman

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