

Wade-Giles romanization  Ha-mi , Uighur  Qomul 

      city and oasis, eastern Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (Sinkiang, Uygur Autonomous Region of), China. An important stage on the roads from Gansu province into Central Asia and to the west, Hami was known to the Chinese in early times as Yiwu, the name Hami being the Chinese rendering of the Mongolian version (Khamil) of the Uighur name for the city. The Chinese occupied the oasis in early times, when they pursued an expansionist policy in western Asia. In 73 CE, during the Dong (Eastern) Han (Han dynasty) period (25220 CE), a commandery called Yihe (Yiwu) was established there. It was again temporarily occupied in 610 during the Sui dynasty (581618) and yet again during the Tang dynasty (618907) after 630, when it became the seat of a regular prefecture, under the name Yizhou, remaining under Chinese domination until 763, when the Tibetans overran northwestern China. In the 9th century it came under the rule of the Uighurs (Uighur), until they were supplanted by the Mongols (Mongol) in the 13th century. After the Mongol withdrawal it became one of the various small Uighur states and in 1473 was annexed by its neighbour, the sultanate of Turfan (Turpan). In the late 16th and 17th centuries it came under the control of the Dzungars. From 1698 onward, the Qing dynasty (16441911/12), embroiled with the Dzungars, used it as a base for their campaigns and incorporated it into their empire. It was badly damaged, like most of Xinjiang, in the Muslim Rebellion of 186070.

      Since 1949 Hami has been provided with both rail and highway communications with the rest of China. A coalfield nearby, with substantial reserves, produces coal to supply industry in Ürümqi, the capital of Xinjiang. In the late 1950s Hami became a major iron and steel producer. The discovery in the 1990s and subsequent exploitation of petroleum in the Turfan and Hami basins also boosted the city's economy. The oases nearby yield abundant farm products, and Hami muskmelons are a local specialty. Pop. (2003 est.) 237,042.

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