Gressmann, Hugo

Gressmann, Hugo

German religious scholar
born March 21, 1877, Mölln, Ger.
died April 6, 1927, Chicago, Ill., U.S.

      German Old Testament scholar who was a prominent advocate of the religio-historical approach.

      After attending the University of Göttingen, Gressmann was lecturer at the University of Kiel (190206), where he wrote his first important book, Der Ursprung der israelitisch-jüdischen Eschatologie (1905; “The Source of Israelite-Jewish Eschatology”). In this book he applied to the Bible the comparative and phenomenological approaches used in the study of non-Christian religions. In both this and his posthumously published Der Messias (1929; “The Messiah”), he advanced the new theory that eschatology was not a late phenomenon in Israel but was pre-Exilic and that its popular form can be traced in many Old Testament passages. Gressmann became a professor at the University of Berlin in 1907. He wrote Die älteste Geschichtsschreibung und Prophetie Israels (1910; “The Oldest Historiography and Prophecy of Israel”) and Die Anfänge Israels (1914; “The Beginning of Israel”), both forming volumes of Hermann Gunkel's Schriften des Alten Testaments (“Writings on the Old Testament”). Gressmann's other major works are Moses und seine Zeit (1913; “Moses and His Time”) and Die Lade Jahves (1920; “Yahweh's Ark of the Covenant”).

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